You blinked twice in confusion. There were no signs of life in Lillian's room, but even Sheila had told you they were supposed to be here. You were about to turn back and ask her when, out of the corner of your eye, you saw Jen's purse on the bed, and Lillian's on the nightstand.
'So they were here...' You thought. But Sheila would've told you if they had gone out.
'Maybe they just went to the bathroom and I'm overthinking things?' You thought and closed the door behind you and walked farther in. You smelled a hint of Jen's perfume in the air, which meant they were here not very long ago, specially if you could smell something so faint, and to your knowledge you had an average sense of smell at best, which was a blessing considering Lillian's 'greetings' and pranks.
You guessed that the most reasonable course of action would be to wait around in the room for a few minutes, and if there were no signs of anyone coming back, you'd ask Sheila, or text them. So, you sat on Lillian's bed and checked your phone. Not like you had a ton of social media activity, although you had a few messages from some people you knew, like Celeste. You dismissed those, not wanting to ruin your mood for the day. After that, you browsed for memes in an app to kill some time.
You enjoyed quite a few laughs and saved a bunch of them to share with your friends later, and only then you realize it's been around 10 minutes. So you decide to go ask Sheila before texting them, but when you try to stand up, you suddenly feel dizzy and your vision goes dark, just like when someone tries to stand up too fast after lying down for a while. Unable to stand up, you lose your balance and fall on Lillian's bed, and you're thankful for such a soft landing. Still, your strength rapidly drains, as if an unknown force were sapping it from you, and before you can do anything else, you black out...
An unknown amount of time later, you groggily wake up, you feel as if a truck ran you over, and also feel pretty drained. As your vision regains its focus and the stuff around you stops being a blurry mess, you find yourself standing on some sort of alien landscape, a vast open space, and a weird kind of 'ground' that felt unnatural, it was neither grass, soil, rock or any kind of flooring you'd find in a building. Instead, it was somewhat soft and springy, and when you knelt down to touch it, you realized it was made of fabric. Next, you notice that this fabric has a peculiar stitching pattern, and even though it takes you a few minutes, you realize that it's a gigantic version of Lillian's comforter.
"But... how?" You mumble to yourself as you take a second look all around, and your newly found reality hits you like a bucket of cold water: You had been shrunk, to less than the size of an ant, by your rough calculations. It made slightly more sense than everything else just unexpectedly growing. Still, there was no answer as to how or why you shrank. Your heart immediately kicks into high gear, as the sheer danger you're in became all too apparent, but at the same time, you're relieved that you were alone, shrinking with people around would only be exponentially more dangerous, as neither Lillian nor Jen could be called skinny or light by any means, which meant that any mistake could result in you getting flattened to oblivion without them ever knowing.
But then you remember what you were doing: You were waiting for the girls to come back, and right now would be about the worst possible time for them to do so, so you pray that they went somewhere else even if it meant they ditched you for the day. Then again, you'd probably have to find a way out of this room and get Sheila's attention, but one stationary giant gave you much better odds than having 3, 2 of which wouldn't just quietly sit around and watch tv for long. Your luck, however, seemingly just ran out, as you feel distant booming quakes that grow rhythmically in intensity, and soon the door opens, revealing...