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by Jvr
Rated: ASR · Interactive · Adult · #2238127
Kind of like jumanji but with crossdress

Kind of like jumanji but with crossdress

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
It was the beginning of summer and John and his mother Lisa were moving into a new neighborhood if that’s what you could call it. The street the house was on was a dead end and there were only two other houses on it and they were all pretty far apart. John and his mother spent half the day with the help of the moving men getting the furniture placed in the right rooms. Then the rest of the time would be spent unpacking, this would take all week though.

Three days of work and everything was almost done and Johns mother wanted to light candles in every room to get the musty smell out of the house. Every room in the house was lit with a candle and John was sitting on the floor next to the one burning in his bedroom. Just then a breeze stated to blow and the flame from the candle started to flicker. You could hear the wind starting to pick up from the sound of the leaves on the trees. Then one good gust through the window blew the candle out and the wick started to smoke, the funny thing was after the candle went out the wind died down and the smoke started to drift across the room. John watched as it drifted across the room and into his closet. That’s when things started getting strange, the smoke, once it reached the entrance to the closet zipped across and disappeared into the wall. John’s curiosity was peeked and he went to investigate.

John slowly moved across the bedroom so not to disturb the stream of smoke, he got to the door of the closet and sure enough the smoke was zipping right across and into the wall. “ hmm “ John thought “ there must be something in behind this wall I bet . “ John started to knock on the wall, he could hear that there was something behind it, John got excited “ wow a mystery, this is going to be fun! “ John started to move his hands up and down and back and forth the wall to find something to open it with. Then finally just before he was going to give up, he noticed a small button at the base of the wall in the corner of the closet and pressed it.

The wall was set up like a pocket door and slid to the left disappearing into the rest of the wall. John was only eleven and this whole thing was starting to get scary but his curious nature was to much to bare, so he stepped into the opening to look inside. It was dark and there were cob webs, a recipe for a horror movie on late night TV. John couldn’t see anything and decided to go retrieve the candle from his room but while he was turning to go, he noticed a light switch in his closet “ hmm funny place for a light switch “ he thought since there was no light in his closet. He turned the switch on and the room lit up like magic. The room was the size of the garage below it, if you stepped in and looked left to right there were racks of clothing on hangers, at the center of the long racks built into the wall on both sides there were two large mirrors, if you looked straight across from the doorway at each end of that wall there were big dressers with mirrors on top of them. Everything in the room had a pinkish girly feel to it and was preserved perfectly.

On the wall were the dressers were smack dab in the center of the wall was a glass cabinet with what looked like to be a large doll. The doll was a young lady about John’s age and made to look very pretty. She had long curly hair with a big satin bow in it and a pretty little pink dress, you could tell she was wearing a petticoat beneath the dress because the skirt of the dress stayed full and you could see some of the ruffles from it at the bottom of the skirt. The glass case was on top of a wooden box, the box was hand carved and with great craftsmanship, in the middle of the box just below the glass was a large pink button that looked like something you would press, below the button was an inscription carved into the box it read,

For all who play my name is Claire Play the game if you dare So many Treasures you can win if you press the button in Once inside will play will play, each and every single day I love to win I bet you do to So play the game and Ill play with you.

John stepped back to look at the box, he looked at the button and then looked left, there was a lever on the side of the box that pulled like a casino machine. John started to pace back and forth and looked at the contraption and started thinking to himself “ what trouble could it cause, I mean it’s just and old game. “ He started thinking that he might want to show his mother the game but of course curiosity killed the cat, John walked up reached out and pushed the button! Once the button was engaged the game started to vibrate and make a sound, then a drawer opened and there was a game board with in it. On the board was a circular path going around from the outside to the inside and the path was broken up into many spaces. Most of the spaces on the outside of the game board were blue but through out the blue spaces there were pink ones. As you got closer to the middle of the board there were more pink spaces then blue.

On the board was a set of dice, John looked the board over and only saw one player piece on it. The game looked amazing and he couldn’t help himself he had to try it out. He reached for the game piece to pick it up but couldn’t remove it from the start position, so he went and rolled the dice, it was a three, for some reason he was able to move the piece three spaces. John counted off the spaces and landed on a blue. Right after setting the piece on the space the lever started to light up, John pulled the lever down and the game whistled and clanked then spit a card out of a slot just above the board. There was writing on it and it read

Something that you really want

Will arrive outside in front

Just then the door bell started ringing, John ran downstairs to see who it was. There was a package on the front porch and a fed ex guy was driving down the road. John saw the package was for him and opened it, it was the latest Xbox and John didn’t even have the earlier version his mother just didn’t have the money. He set it all up on T V in his bedroom but he couldn’t get it to work, just then the game in the room started to whistle and clank and spit out another card and it said

Time to make another roll

Or your game won’t work at all

John rolled the dice again and got another three, he moved his piece and landed on a pink spot, the machine spit out another card and it read

All your boxers will have to be gone

Claire thinks panties are more fun

After John read the card he started to remove his trousers and boxer shorts then went over to one of the dressers opened the top drawer and pulled a pink pair of panties from it, then started to slide them on, he couldn’t stop himself. After the panties were on he put his trousers on and proceeded to remove all the panties from Claire’s drawer and put them in his drawer while removing his boxers and throwing them away! Uh Oh!

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