(Originally written by Alistair)
“We could just chill out and play some video games?” You suggested. “I don’t think we’d get much conversation doing exercise or cleaning the apartment.”
“You sure Hunter? You don’t like the idea of exercising, seeing me get all hot and sweaty?” She teased, and you started to blush, which made her giggle. ”I’m only kidding Hunter, but in all seriousness I will whip you into shape before long! In the meantime though I do think that your suggestion is better for getting to know each other.”
With that she stood up and walked across the room to her tv, turning it and the console on. This gave you a view of her firm glutes, tightly covered by her compression shorts. You couldn’t help but stare, and you heard a giggle as you saw Morgan looking back at you with faux offended smile.
“Just what were you looking at Hunter, whatever it was clearly was taking up all your attention,” as she said this she wiggled her hips side to side, swaying her backside tantalisingly in front of you. She laughed as you went beet red in embarrassment at being caught. “You were so preoccupied with whatever it was that you didn’t hear me ask which game you wanted to play.”
“Umm, I won’t really be able to play without a controller sized for me, I’ve got one in my stuff but I’ve not gotten around to unpacking yet. So I guess just pick what you want to play.” You stammered out, still embarrassed.
Morgan selected a game and sauntered back over to the bed, with an extra sway in her step, clearly enjoying teasing you. She sat down on it before plucking you up off the bed and sitting you on her shoulder.
“There we go, I figure this way I’ll be able to hear you better,” she said to you with a warm smile, clearly finished teasing you for now.
For the next hour or so you and Morgan chatted, getting to know each other while she played her game. She told you about the job she had just got at Workout World and you explained that you hadn’t managed to secure work yet but you were looking. You explained about your mom and sister and she listened intently. You were feeling like you and Morgan were making a genuine connection and could end up as good friends. Just as you were about to ask her about her family you both heard the sound of the doorbell followed by Avery shouting that she would get it. The door opened and you heard an excited squeal from Avery followed by the sound of her running up the stairs before bursting through Morgan’s door in excitement.
“Our moms are here!” She squealed before rushing back downstairs.
“Oh wow, I wasn’t expecting a visit from them until tomorrow at earliest. I would have loved to have had the place clean before any of our parents visited but oh well,” Morgan shrugged before smiling down at you. “I’m sure you’ll love them Hunter, they love tiny guys.”
With that she stood up, which as she did, she leaned forward. You started to slide forward, at risk of sliding down into her cavernous cleavage, pushed up by her tank top. However you managed to grasp onto a stray hair to keep yourself on your perch on her shoulder. She saw your struggle and apologised, picking you up and carrying you down on her palm.
As Morgan carried you down the stairs towards the living room you heard the sound of energetic conversation before Morgan rounded the corner and you saw it’s source. Quinn was sitting in a corner, quiet, she was clearly overwhelmed by the sheer energy from the conversation between Avery and her parents. They were standing in the middle of the living room and their energetic conversation was accentuated by hand gestures and high pitched laughs from all three women. Morgan said hello and her two moms turned to face you, giving you a good look at them.
On the left was a tall, slender woman with porcelain pale skin and platinum blonde hair so bright it was almost the colour of snow. She towered over all the other women in the room, you’d guess she was around 6’2”, and was dressed in a simple grey dress that accentuated her slim curves beautifully. She possessed a quite elegant appearance, almost royal.
On the right was a woman almost exactly opposite of the woman on the left. She was of Half-Hispanic descent, with dark brown hair similar to Morgan and Avery. She was shorter than her wife, but had a lot more weight on her, with the majority of it seeming to go to her curves, giving her a very impressive hourglass figure.
Both of their eyes lit up at the sight of their other daughter and they both let out a squeal as they rushed to embrace her. Morgan was forced to clench her fist tightly to keep a hold of you as she was embraced by both of her parents.
“Woah, mom, mom let me go for two seconds! I’ll give you guys a hug once I set Hunter down,” her parents gave her a quizzical look as Morgan opened her palm, revealing your flattened form. Morgan gave you a sheepish smile at seeing how mangled her hand had left you after a few seconds. The taller parent gives you a look of fascinated curiosity whereas the shorter one spoke up.
“Awww, sorry little guy. We didn’t notice your cute little self, did we Lilyana,” she looked to her wife, Lillyana, who responded.
“No we didn’t Mariah, sorry little man,” she spoke with a slight hint of an accent, maybe Russian? It was difficult to tell because it was faint.
Morgan quickly placed you down on the coffee table and hugged her parents. You saw Quinn give you a nod and a slight panicked look, she clearly wasn’t prepared for the sheer amount of energy coming from the women in the room with her and was feeling a bit overwhelmed. Avery gave you a wink and a giggle before returning to conversation with her parents. Morgan’s hand hadn’t crushed you too badly so you popped back into shape fairly quickly. Before you could get your bearings you felt yourself scooped up in a pair of hands, turning to face the person who lifted you and seeing that it was none other than Mariah, the curvy Hispanic mother of the twins. Before you could even utter a word she brought you up to her lips, which embraced you in a series of kisses. Both Morgan and Avery’s jaws dropped as you were thrust repeatedly into Mariah’s plump, full lips.
“Mom!” Morgan cried, embarrassed by her mother’s sudden affectionate display towards you.
“Mwah, sorry dear but your little friend here is just too adorable for me to resist,” as she said this you turned to see Morgan’s mortified face, but was that a hint of jealousy you saw in her eyes? Maybe you were imagining things.
After that incident, everyone sat down and you stayed on the coffee table. Conversation flowed, even Quinn was dragged into the conversation now that the excited energy had died down a bit. Mariah and Lilyana were very curious about you and your life so far. You learned that Lilyana was a well-known event coordinator and party planner and Mariah owned a local burger joint called Sinclair Sandwiches. You had actually heard of Sinclair Sandwiches and you and your family had actually eaten there on occasion, a fact that Mariah was very happy about. Eventually the twins parents talked to Quinn about her job at Sanderson Beach as a lifeguard before turning to you.
“So do you have a job, little guy?” Lilyana asked you.
“No actually, I have been looking for a job but I haven’t managed to secure anything yet,” you admitted, there was a lot of work for a tiny man like yourself but some of it was too dangerous for your liking.
“Well if you are interested I have an opening for my personal assistant, would you be interested?” Lilyana’s proposition was tempting, although you weren’t exactly sure how much you could do to help her in her job.
“I could always use more help in the kitchen at the restaurant as well little guy, you’d be more than welcome there,” Mariah piped up.
Avery seemed very excited at the prospect of you working with one of her parents, Morgan looked happy at them offering as well, but you did feel like you saw a slight bit of concern on her face.
Do you accept either of their offers?
1) You decide to become Lilyana’s personal assistant.
2) You decide to go work at Sinclair Sandwiches.
3) You politely decline their offers, much to the two women’s disappointment.