Path to this Chapter:
  1. Celestial matters
  2. Possessing a goddess
  3. Some Context
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2244219-Konosuba-Tg-and-Tf-and-or-body-swap/cid/3271774-Celestial-matters
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fanfiction · #2244219
Something makes Kazuma into the girls of Konosuba
This choice: An interlude  •  Go Back...
Chapter #4

Celestial matters

    by: Elesis
With Kazuma and Aqua gone, the businesses-like smile of the angel fell off and her eyes darkened.

"Goodbye Aqua. Never come back." She said. Amusement decorating her features..

Celesta felt incredibly satisfied with herself, after all this was her accomplishment. She was now in charge of the transmigration process of world 582643933-D. And it took her less than five hundred human years.

Aqua being the buffoon that she is, constantly messed up. Celesta kept quiet while keeping a registry of all her transgressions. Today was the day she choose to 'reluctantly' reveal her superior faults to the higher gods. She put in an act of the scared servant exposing their boss misdemeanors and successfully fooled the gods. Her position so insignificant they barely pay her any attention. To them she was no different than a machine that does their bidding.

Instead their focus was Aqua and her activities through the day. Aqua was bound to run off her mouth in some way and get punished. The form of her punishment surprised even her but it was of little consequence. All what mattered was that she was now in a position where her plans could push forward. She had to be subtle though, tipping her hand before moving her pawns in position would ruin everything.

Celesta took position behind the desk, in the chair Aqua used to sit. She had to sort the current batch of souls under her jurisdiction. Later on would she further her agenda. Time was on her side after all.


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2244219-Konosuba-Tg-and-Tf-and-or-body-swap/cid/3271774-Celestial-matters