You were left alone in.. well who knows how long. All the clocks that you had were working haywire, and you can’t even get a call. Now you were believing this supermarket was in a devil universe.
So you kind of have stopped trying to find a way out. You were stranded on a shelf. There had to be a door here, but you were too high that you can’t get down without serious injury.
So for now you just wait for Acerola to come back. man... kidnapped by the ghost girl. Who would of thought.
After about an hour of waiting in the shack, you hear Acerola happily shout. “I’m back~” She was so happy about it, in a playful manner.
You walk out of your home, and see your giant kidnapper happily move her way closer to you. You look at her as she happily moved her way through the darkness. “Boo!”
“I saw you coming this time.” You chuckle to her. Despite you being kidnapped and taken by her, she’s just too cute for you to be angry. And you are sure she doesn’t think it’s wrong to take you here.
“Oh wow, it’s pretty dark in here you got good eyesight hihi.” Acerola said.
“L-Listen Acerola.” You say to her. “I know... this is fun. Inviting me over and all that, but it’s not a good thing to do. Especially against my will, so how about you take me back to the Academy, and I can make you a hot Coco again okay?”
“Oh, wait here!” She giggled playfully standing tall. Well that didn’t work. When she came back, she came back with a tin of something.
“It’s Hot Coco, I got some too!” She said holding it in front. “I don’t know how to do it, but you can still make some here Mister.”
“A-Acerola, that’s not-” She stopped listen as she turned her way around. Looking over her shoulder she opened the lid of the coco powder and planted something in there. Turning around as she had a cat like smile.
“You want some Coco, open it up and get some.” She had a big playful smile, as clearly she was up to something. She planted it right in front of you.
She put something in the Coco and she wants you to get it out. Sure, why not. You play her game as you go and try to get up the tin, only for her fingers to come and drop you up on top.
“T-Thanks.” You say to her as she smiled. Moving around to the side, you try your hardest to lift it up.
“O-Pen-It! O-Pen-It!” She chanted happily mover and over again. A large smile on her face,
Eventually you did what you wanted and dislodged the lid. “Finally!” That should not have been as hard as it was. You dropped the lid to the side, and what you saw inside. What she planted in there shocked you.
Yep, it was your best friend. Somehow... here! Did Acerola get her too.
“Boop!” Acerola giggled as she pushed your butt. You stumbled and fell your way into the lid. Right onto the powder and onto Selene.
“A-Are you okay?” Selene questioned.
“Sorry for landing on you.” You say back to her, both of you covered in sand like powder.
“”Hihi, do you two know each other? Cool!” Acerola said. Her hand moved and you heard the side of the tin get grabbed. She then went over and carried you two for a while.
“W-What’s happening?” She wondered to you as you help her up. She dusted her body off.
“I-I got kidnapped by the ghost girl! I guess... you did too.”
“Wait... Acerola is the ghost girl!” Selene said stunned. “I bought her some Ice Cream this morning.”
“And I gave her some Hot Coco. Seems like we are hers now.” You say to her as Selene was still taking it in.
“Dump you go!” Acerola giggled as she plucked you and placed you down into a white mug. Plucking Selene next and placing her in the same white mug.
“Hihi!” Acerola smiled. “I should of known you two would know each other. You two are so nice!”
“Acerola. W-Where are we, in your home?”
“Dunno!” Acerola smiled as Selene frowned.
“Well that doesn’t help.”
“Okay Selene. We are in a giant supermarket. No phone service, no clocks work and only Acerola is here. She doesn’t know how she does this apparently.”
“That REALLY doesn’t help.” Selene said back.
“We are gonna have so much fun!” Acerola shouted stopping you two as you two look up. “What do I wanna do with you two? I think there are a couple of doll houses, or maybe I could chase you two around the market hihi. Oh we can sit and eat some Ice Cream. There are some 3DS’s here too, there’s this level I just can’t beat! You two can help me with that.”
“Acerola?” Selene asked with the most comforting voice. “D-Did you bring us here, cause you were lonely?”
Acerola looked down, before nodding. “A little bit... yeah.”
hearing this, Selene looked her way to you, and you know that expression.
“We’ve been kidnapped Selene.”
“I know, but she’s lonely. Some fun with her, and then we ask to return?”
God, Selene was playing to your soft side. “Fine, we can do it.” You whisper to her.
“You ‘little’ lug.” Selene said. She’s too nice, Selene has really rubbed off of on. “Okay Acerola, whatever you feel like doing, we will do!”
“For real!” Acerola’s face lit up. “Oh thank you. This is going to be so fun!” Acerola said as she thought about what she was going to do now, now that her friends wanted to play with her too.
As for you and Selene, you two weren’t hating Acerola, you two were going along for the playtime.