As Nova prepared to start her show, she look down on the floor, as she had done several times before; it was a custom she had, and it helped her deal with the occasional nerves she would have when she started to act for her public.
However, there was a difference this time, for her eyes noticed something; a tiny form, a human form. Curious as to what it was, she went to grab it as fast as she could, to avoid disturbing the incoming act. She brought the tiny human up to her face, as it started to scream.
"Hey! Let me down, please!"
Its screams were cute, but its shape: she didn't know what she had on her hands, but physically speaking, the tiny had an excellent physique, and combined with its size...she immediately became mesmerized with it.
You immediately noticed that the stripper, who at first was looking at you with curious eyes, started to blush, and for the first time, she spoke to you. She said:
"Oye, cosita, ¿que eres? ¿Tienes nombre?"("Hey, little thing, what are you? Do you have a name?")
It takes you a few seconds to understand her words, but you manage to get the message across. Hoping that you can do the same, you reply, saying:
"Yeah, I'm Denis. Please, I need your help! I shrunk down out of nowhere and then..."
"¿Denis? Oh, ese es un bonito nombre. ¡Hola Denis, soy Nova! ¡Sin duda estas perdido y desorientado, pero no te preocupes; yo te encontré muy tierno y adorable, así que, serás mi mascota! ¡Te prometo que te cuidare muy bien, y que vivirás excelente bajo mis cuidados!"("Denis? Oh, that's a nice name. Hi Denis, I'm Nova! You are definitely lost and disoriented, but don't worry; I found you very cute and adorable, so, you will be my pet! I promise you that I will take good care of you, and that you will live excellently under my care!") She said, interrupting you before you could continue. Her blush was immense, and her smile big. Clearly, she was happy to have found you.
Unfortunately, this turn of events wasn't one you were hoping for, and neither was one you were attracted to. You try to argue against her, exclaiming:
"P-pet? I'm a person, you can't own me. Please I need..."
Once again, she interrupted you midsentence, shushing you before she says:
"Lo siento Denis, pero este no es el mejor lugar y momento para charlar. Tendremos tiempo de sobra cuando regresé a casa, pero por el momento tendrás que quedarte quieto y tranquilo; lo que voy a hacer ahora es por tu propia seguridad, ¿okey?"("I'm sorry Denis, but this is not the best place and time to chat. We'll have plenty of time when I get back home, but for now you'll just have to stay still and quiet; what I'm going to do now is for your own safety, okay?")
She then starts to move you across her body, ready to deliver you to your temporary safe spot. Which is...