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A fantasy vr game full of monstergirls, some kind some cruel. |
A fantasy vr game full of monstergirls, some kind some cruel.
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
The story takes place in VR game where our protagonist, Kaya, tries to fight her way through a whole host of sexy monsterous gals in a world where the winner takes the loser as her prize, or disposes of them at their leisure. Often monsters will be able to shrink or otherwise weaken victims in order to make them easier prey, but these powers can often be used against them.
-No choice chains.
-Kaya is the hero, but she can be changed in many ways.
-Endings are encouraged, especially graphic ones!
-No male characters.
Characters: This list will grow as a cast is added and built.
Kaya is a short and skinny 19 year old brunette with a C cup chest and pretty much no thighs. She’s a major masochist but still likes to play along as if she doesn’t enjoy it. She also is very excitable and has a short attention span.
Fi is a six inch tall fairy with an extreme obsession for sweet things. She's normally quite gentle, but she holds grudges very easily. She also has a passion for giving tutorials. |
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