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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #2264275
This story takes place in the city of Tyme. Chaos ensues everyone starts swapping bodys.

This story takes place in the city of Tyme. Chaos ensues everyone starts swapping bodys.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Welcome to the city of time where a local scientist created a formula that makes people swap bodies. He made it as a therapeutic tool to help people learn more about each other and see the world through the eyes of others. His assistant however had different ideas. The assistant an agent of chaos stole the formula mass produced it and put it in the towns reservoir. Now anyone who is exposed to enough of the formula will swap. Now it doesn't just have to be drunk since it's in water it can also be adsorbed through skin or breathe in. Different levels of exposure have different amounts adsorbed like drinking it is better than it being absorbed through skin from say makeup and stuff. However swiming in it rather a pool or the reservoir it self is almost an instant swap. Now some rules once someon swaps they can't swap again for a whole month secondly it only effects humans so no one will become a dog. It only infects the town and for the sake of this story no one famous from the real world is there and once the swapa start happening no one is leaving the island city. Sex is fine be as descriptive as you want no beastiality no underage stuff. Drugs and alcohol are ok. And please be descriptive of what happens in each chapter you are a different person for a whole month. Shit is bound to happen a guy that becomes a woman to say could experience pregnancy or giving birth or periods. While a woman who becomes a man could experience male agresion and stuff. Now if someone swaps please don't swap them the next chapter at least 5 chapters as the current person and like I said each swap last for a whole month so make it feel like a month passes in-between chapters. Swapping back to yourself is ok but make it interesting like whoever was in your body got tattoos or got someone else knocked up or married to someone you don't know and you have to fix it. Only to swap randomly again in about a month. And please don't always swap back to original bodies it's random. Finally no killing charaters but everything else is welcome new characters and anything within the guidelines good now show me what you got.
Well I've done it I mass produced a large quantity of my bosses formula he should be pleased with me. After all everyone is going to be experiencing this in the next few days. To think men could become woman adults into children children into elderly homeless to rich and vise versa. The chaos it will bring. I'm getting a hard on thinking about it hahaha! Now the pumping has begun come sun up life in this rown will become a lot more interesting.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2264275-Chaotic-body-swaps