Nymus smiled wide, as she looked forward and saw... nothing in the camp nor the fort. No all the bandits that she has dealt with were on the ground. Shrunken down to mere bugs. Even tiniest would tower over them and dominate them. The thought was enough to turn her on. The demon chuckling to herself as she looked down to all the bandits. Some were simply staring up to her stunned, too dumb to move maybe. Others already knew the danger and were sprinting away in fear. Their lives have just changed forever, no matter how short it will be.
She gazed all over the floor, before she spotted one man right in front of her that hasn't moved yet. "Oh, is that you Magnus? I could have mistaken you for any other bug." She stepped forward right in front of the man, and although she couldn't see him, he was terrified. Smiling down, Nymus bent over and reached her fingers to the man. He stood afraid, and didn't react at all as he was raised up. Pinched between the Demon's two fingers. It's like he was raised to the top of a mountain in an instant. The finger pressed on his chest and his back, his feet kicking in the air.
And then he was right in front of her face. Her face which was bigger than a castle wall at this point!
"You use to be such a big man, but now you are a bug man~" She mocked and laughed. "That's what you and all of your men now are, bugs. Little bugs for me to squash for my amusement."
While she was teasing Magnus, she looked to the side and notice one of his men running away from her. To toy with the man, really get under his skin and scare him.
She held Magnus out and made sure she could see him squish the bandit underneath her foot. One large stop and there, he was nothing but paste. She even grinded her foot into the dirt to make it even worse.
And Magnus was terrified. Afraid that he was going to die just like that friend of his.
"Hmm, all those muscles," Nymus teased. "All that hard work you have done to be bigger and stronger than others. All that time you spent all for naught. All it does, it make you taste more... crunchy~" She teased and remarked. With a smile she raised Magnus up and opened her mouth wide. Hanging him over as he could see her tongue come up for him, almost licking at him like the serpant it is. Her teeth were razor sharp, and could cut his body into pieces with one bite. Which got Magnus even more scared.
"I bet you would be delicious~" Nymus remarked, holding him in front as she gave out a giggle. "But that would be a waste."
She finally brought him back, holding Magnus in front of her face again. "I think I'll get a lot more fun if you are one of the ones I keep alive, but don't expect me to be so kind with the rest of the bandits." Truthfully she wasn't being kind at all. At least the others will meet a swift sudden end. For Magnus and whoever else she decides to spare, they are going to be tortured for days on end. Nothing but her plaything as she uses them to entertain herself. And then after she's finished with them, well they will die. It's just giving them a couple of days of torture. Nymus thinks the longest she's had a sinner alive is 3 days, which is actually very impressive given how rough she is with them.
She reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of string. One of many as she brought it around Magnus. She wrapped it around his arms and torso, and tying it around him so he couldn't break free at all. The giantess then wrapped it around to her hip, and like that he was dangling. Hitting the side of her hip as she looked around for the next pray.
"D-Damn you..." Magnus uttered under his breath, as this was so embarrassing and humiliating for him. He just won an Arm Wrestle Ten Minutes ago, and now he was a prisoner and is being treated more as an accessory than a human at this point!
Nymus smiled, as she looked at everyone fleeing. There seemed to be quite a few hiding behind that barrel or rum over there, so that's where she was going to torment. Nymus wondered over there, knowing that every one of her steps would be scaring them all endlessly. She grabbed onto the barrel, and with one shove pushed it over. She saw all of them scatter like ants, as the barrel they were hiding fell over on top of them. Some got flattened under the wooden barrel, while some got stuck in the Rum that spilled on top of them. Acting more like a swamp for them then a drink.
All of them were struggling around trying to free themselves, but Nymus instead focused on the ones already running. She raised her foot, and stomped on three little bandits with one fall. All of them becoming stains, much to her enjoyment. It was at this point that Magnus learned just how lucky he was, that he was spared. Lucky for now that is.
The others were running in the opposite direction, as she stomped on two of them. A man and a woman. She raised her foot, and noticed that somehow, the bandit woman survived. She was hurt, crawling away to freedom.
"Poor little bitch, let me put you out of the misery I caused you." And then she stomped her foot down onto her once again. Giving a heavy stomp down as the woman died that time. Turning to the tinies in the rum, stuck and unable to escape this demon.
What do they do?