You bit her finger, like hell you were going to let this wretched creature torment you as she likely had tormented thousands of Tomkins. You had the feeling you weren't the first and would definitely not be the last. You didn't want that!
The giant woman recoiled in pain. "You... little brat."
With the finger removed, you scrambled up to your feet, but your vision was spinning. Your heart was pumping fast. You were scared and yet so excited. The rush of adrenaline made it hard to even focus, and the dizziness was not helping. But you gathered yourself and shouted out to the fellow Tomkins. "Choose to live a better life come with me and let us make a life for ourselves! A life away from servitude and slavery!"
The giantess was looking at you, not believing what she was hearing. Did this little guy really bite her, and now was screaming nonsense to the Tomkins? You had no idea who you were messing with, and now she was gonna teach you a lesson. One other Tomkin made his way towards you and she moved to stop him. She would squash this revolution.
However, the other Tomkins stopped. The giant women were too busy staring at you, and the Tomkins were not doing their jobs. Victoria was stunned by this. She had to do something!
"Stop!" You command the crowd, and the Tomkins obey. "Come join me and let's live a better life. I promise we will find something better. Anything would be better than working for her." You point to the angry matronly woman. "She will crush us without a second thought, she has no respect for us, and we should have no respect for her. We can find a better life, one worth living. Join me and let's create something new."
"S-Stop this." Victoria says, her face red with anger. But her own class doesn't obey her, and this was getting worse. The other customers were staring at the commotion.
You see one Tomkin walk over to you. He stands next to you and shouts to the others. "Let's go!"
Victoria was shaking. This was so bad. She would lose everything! It was the appeal of her establisment to have these loathsome Tomkins serve her patrons.
The other Tomkins start to make their way over. Victoria's hands shake in anger, as she couldn't believe it. All her work. It was all for naught.
The woman then glared at the two of you, as she reached down to her drawer. The Tomkins were heading over, and she could hear the other patrons whispering about this.
"We are leaving, and there is nothing you can do to stop us."
"Oh, I will stop you. I'm not going to let all of this happen." She grabbed the object and slammed it down.
A metal cage. "You little shit." She growled. "When I'm through with you wish I would toss you down a toilet. You will learn what it means to cross me." She had her hands on the cage, as she was so mad.
"Y-You aren't going to stop us." Your voice quivers despite your efforts.
"That's where you are wrong." She said with a smile.
"Noelle!" You shout. "Get them out."
"W-What about you!" She called back.
"Don't worry, I'll catch up." You tell her as she was worried.
"You better," she tells you. "C'mon everyone, follow me."
As the crowd of Tomkins were escaping, you were alone with Victoria. A giant woman, and you were so tiny compared to her. She grabbed the metal cage, and with the key, she unlocked it and swung it open.
"Now then, what was that about a toilet."
She grabbed you, and you were pulled up by her fist.
"No, Let go!" You shout, as she lifted you up, and the woman glared. She opened her hand, and you were falling.
"You little brat, I'll teach you a lesson. One you'll never forget."
You felt down into cage as she shut the door. You looked and saw that a portion of the cage's bars were bent maybe you could escape through them! You world shook as Victoria started to move. You were scared and unsure what was going to happen.
You didn't know the consequences, but this woman was dangerous and cruel. She wouldn't let you live for long, and you weren't about to give her a chance to enact her terrible and likely degrading vengeance on you.
You started to crawl through the bars and escape through the opportune opening. Your body was struggling through the small hole, and you didn't know where you were going to land. The world around you was shaking, and the wind was blowing all around you. You could hear the giantess fuming. You were grateful for once that she was angry. It blinded her to your actions.
"Little brat, you will suffer. You will suffer greatly." She growled.
You managed to squeeze through and then, you were falling. You fell and the world below was coming at you. Thankfully you landed on some refuse. It appears that you were in the establisment's bathroom. You hurried away before Victoria could discover your escape. However it wasn't long before you could hear her voice. You could hear her cursing up a storm.
"You little rat. I will find you, and when I do..."
You ignored her threats and kept running. You had to get away, and fast. You had a feeling that the Tomkins were heading towards the entrance of the city.
You were outside, and there were plenty of places to hide. However, it was also risky. If a large person caught sight of you, it would be easy for them to squish you like a bug. You had to reunite with Noelle and the others quickly.