"Well, this is interesting."
Robert and James turned their heads in shock, as they saw John, their Prime Grade Breeder walk up behind them.
"John, how did you get here?" Robert asked.
"Rode in the truck, under the tarp of hunting supplies," John said. "Of course, when you did finally stop, I hid under the truck."
"Is this part of your escape plan?" Robert asked.
"More like Rescue plan," said John. "Heard whom you were looking for, and let me tell you, that fella is Dangerous beyond Dangerous, and this is coming from a fella who has no issues taking on a bear."
"Um, how dangerous are we talking about?" James asked.
John looked at him. "This fella eats vampires, werewolves, and humans." He looked at Robert. "Killed a trio of werewolves that were merely after deer, a week before you caught me. I saw the remains, and it's clear that he did more than just eat them."
"What did he do to them?" James asked.
"Tied them up, skinned them, roasted them, then ate them, all while they were alive, and that's just the stuff I could tell," said John. "He's also crazy beyond crazy - sees everyone as his prey."
"Are you talking about Sam Squatch?" the female werewolf asked, nervously.
John looked at her. "Heard about him, I take."
The werewolf nodded. "Very dangerous. Kills just for fun."
"Is he nearby?" John asked.
The young male human pointed. "Five miles, along the stream, is his camp. You won't find him there though, but you will get caught in a trap, and then he'll find you."
"Useful to know," said John. He looked at Robert. "Sam's one human I won't mind seeing being turned into fertilizer. He killed my wife's older brother, and ate him. If I ever found him, I'd kill him - Bella's brother was a good friend of mine."
"I'll keep that in mind," said Robert. "You're usually crying your eyes out after Big Meal Days."
James's eyes bulged. "You cry?"
"Someone has to," said John. "Someone has to mourn the dead. Sam though - wouldn't be shedding tears for that one."
"So, do you want to come to our place, and meet the rest?" the young werewolf asked.
Robert looked at John. "What do you think?"
"I've never heard of such a group existing, save for one, but it turned out to be a lie," said John.
"What do you mean?" the male human asked.
"Part of me hopes that it isn't true for your group, but as for the group I heard about, humans would be paired with werewolves of the opposite sex at birth, for both," said John. "As they grew up, the human and werewolf would pursue sexual relationships with others of their own kind, between the ages of seventeen and twenty-five years old, especially the humans. Then, on the day of their twenty-fifth birthday, they had something called an Official Union. Then, the werewolf ate the human. The werewolf then raised the children, making sure that the cycle continued."
"Um, it isn't like that," said the female werewolf. "I love Rich, and Rich loves me."
"That's right," the human said. "Becky would never harm me."
"Well, I sorry if I upset you," said John. "One hears about such things." He looked at Robert.
"That's not my family's style," said Robert. "We don't pull tricks like that."
"Is he your owner?" Rich asked, looking at John.
"Yes," said John. "That being said, we are practically friends."
"I see," said Becky.
"You're still welcomed to come to the village," said Rich.