"Scooch over," said Hanna. "I want her other breast."
James grinned, and obliged his sister, and watched as she took Cathy's other breast's nipple in her mouth, and was soon suckling. He then placed his mouth back over the nipple he'd been using, and resumed suckling. It was clear that Cathy was enjoying the experience too.
Soon enough, the wolf siblings had drank their fill. As for Cathy, she looked to be content, and looked like she still had plenty of milk.
"Very tasty," said Hanna.
"Looks like it," said a certain voice.
James and Hanna both looked, to find their parents watching them.
"Just testing the product for quality control purposes," said Hanna.
Julia chuckled. "It's clear that her milk passes your inspection. Now, give your parents a chance to enjoy it straight from the tap. It's been thirsty work doing the chores you should have been taking care of."
At this, Hanna and James chuckled, stood up, and watched as their parents took their places.
"Guess we did sort of forget about you," said James.
"Make sure to save some for Billy," said Hanna.
Satisfied that their parents were enjoying Cathy's milk, who was clearly enjoying the experience, James and Hanna left the room.
"Might be one of your better ideas yet," said Hanna. "Might have to go slow though, to see if there is a market and such."
"Well, speaking of markets, there's this interesting practice that might get us into the Blood Production business, and still keep things the way that they are, said James. "Well, mostly at any rate."
"What's that?" Hanna asked.
"Small Batch Production," said James. "Take a cup or two of blood for a livestock, place it into its own bottle, and since it's pure, mark up the price by fifty percent - C Minus goes for like ten thousand an ounce using Marcus's methods of just blending the blood with other C Minus livestock. This method, it would go for fifteen thousand an ounce. Then, wait three months, do it all over again. We could stagger things out to make sure of continual supply."
"Hmm, not a bad idea, especially if we don't have to braindead and pouch them," said Hanna. "Then there's the tubing - too much work for the payoff. That and hanging meat makes me hungry, especially if I can't eat it - they tend to get reduced to D and F Grades by the end."