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Rated: GC · Interactive · Adult · #2271283
Alien Giantesses & Giants Invade the world. The story center's around Honolulu.

Alien Giantesses & Giants Invade the world. The story center's around Honolulu.

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The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
You are living an average existence in the tropical city of Honolulu. That is until those strange gigantic objects from out of the sky started appearing All over the world. When they landed beautiful voluptuous women the size of skyscrapers started to walk out with clothes and apparel that was unlike anything anyone's ever seen before. They looked Human but the size difference was drastic and some among their number had unnatural hair colours.

They ignored all calls for diplomacy, they didn't seem to view humans as anything other then objects to be played with, eaten, or be collected for unknown purposes. According to every news channel every large town or city had their own gigantic alien problem they were not all women either their male equivalent accompanied them as well. In Honolulu however my city our giant alien was on their way. each step bring a small quake and fear of what the immediate future may bring.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2271283-They-Came-From-Amazonia