Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2275256-Hidden-in-couch
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Writing.Com · #2275256
U always fantasised about being sat on unaware now u make u fantasy a reality

U always fantasised about being sat on unaware now u make u fantasy a reality

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The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Chapter 1

Make your fantasy a reality

You have always had a fantasy about being hidden inside a couch and sat on and one day when your wife was out u lifted up the couch and cut open the bottom and had a look you could see a space big enough for you to get in you could see there was not much room between the underside of the seat base and the floor but you thought that you might be able to fit and problem was your wife was a good 300 pounds and where not sure if she sat if she would feel u underneath but u fantasised about it for weeks and would watch your wife sitting on it and dreamt about being underneath her with out her knowing but how would you get away with dissappearing for a day as she calls u all the time when u at work and she is at home all the time so how would u escape once inside but you could not shake the fantasy then one day you heard her say she was going to go to a meeting next day at 12 noon and would be out of the house after so if u got under before she got up you could escape after she left so that night you told her you had to leave for work at 6am and would be working somewhere you couldn't speak on phone and went to bed with your mi d racing
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2275256-Hidden-in-couch