Mary stood, smiling, and walked over to the large window in her study.
She started out, across the city before her. All she saw, was now hers. Not technically, of course, but financially, they were all bound to her; their homes, their bills, the food they ate, the cars they drove. Everything came from the companies she, and solely she, controlled. And all the wealth from them flowed back to her. Constantly streaming into her purse.
Mary had to prepare. Tonight, to celebrate the merger of so many companies, was a grand function. That would be where she'd make her mark, to enlighten the world of the master they'd elected.
In silence, Mary strolled out to her car. Only the clack-clack-clack of her stiletto heels broke the quiet; a noise Mary quite loved, always making a point to step as loudly as possible, as hard as possible, to announce her arrival and presence.
Mary, presently a diminutive 5' 2", even in her very tall heels, strolled past her servants, out to the garage.
On the sidewalk, was an especially tiny homeless person. Barely 2" tall. They looked up at her, acknowledging the kind giantess she was to the world.
Mary lifted her shoe, and squished them beneath the sole, twisting, grinding them into the floor. Disgusting little pauper. They'd be the first on her day of glorious ascension.
She climbed into her car, and headed into the city to prepare her coronation.