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Rated: E · Interactive · Relationship · #2276425
The Worth of a Being

The Worth of a Being

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The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Teeth Trailing.

Your teeth did not have to be white in order for me to like you.

We are all judged on our likability.

If you acted yellow and dingy, no one would nicely respond to you. Except, maybe your Mother and your Dog.

But, your Mother couldn't see much and your Dog had yellow teeth.

The only creatures allowed yellow teeth today are the ones in a zoo.

You can buy your bright teeth at a store for $39.98. You can go to a Country Dentist and get bleached for $799.95. You can go to a City Clinic and for $3,997.39 have white shiny teeth for an advertised 10 years.

You can drink 142 cups of dark umber coffee, 287 crystal glasses of rich maroon wine, and 12 dozen or so thick mugs of saffron beer.

That would put your teeth near a hue of a mustard yellow.

I would still like you.

Theodora Richmond
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