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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #2283715
You find yourself in a fantasy land, as the only human Giant. Treat the world as you wish.

You find yourself in a fantasy land, as the only human Giant. Treat the world as you wish.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
You find yourself in a fantasy land, as the only human Giant. Treat the world as you wish, while dishing out the Goddess' punishments on the world.

--This next part is for fellow writers ONLY--Will include Spoilers on Story ideas. If you wish to just read, just jump ahead.
1. The Goddess has put many handicaps on you, but her subdued butler Demon Lord has given you loophole blessings. As such, ALL powers you find yourself with come in CON and PRO parts. EXAMPLE:
a. Goddess Blessing: You cannot communicate with the local species.
b. Demon Lord Curse: By taking over other's minds, you can use the victim to communicate with the local species.

2. There are 4 major body types that you can interact with:
a. A--The Humanoid--Although humans are extinct, these bodies are most similar to human anatomy: elves, dark elves, dwarves, ogres, goblins
b. B--The Demi-human--This type is a mix of human and animal parts, favoring 50% human or more. They maintain mostly humanoid body with altered animal parts: Harpy, Lizardman, Kappa (turtle monster from Asian lore), Werewolf, Holstaur (cow-based minotaur with gentler, domesticated personality)
c. C--The Beast-man--This type is a mix of human and animal parts, favoring 50% animal or more. This body is also modified where the species may have sexual organs for both the beast side, or humanoid side of intercourse (May have working parts at the human merge junction to body, or at the horse end): Centaurs, Lamias, Arachne (spider-humans hybrid), Minotaur, Mermaids, Cockatrice
d. D--The Spiritual--A catch-all for any species that is not exact fit or extreme body sizes. Most do have a spirit or shape-shift to allow humanoid appearances if needed: Elementals, Golems, Dryads, Slimes, Dragons, Alraune (Flower monster), Pixies and Fairies
e. **Some examples, like werewolf or minotaur/holstaur packs, can go between demi-human and beast-man groups depending on how much animal they may have.

3. There are restrictions on what will be allowed in the story:
a. A--NO DEMONS-if it lives in Hell, this world had eliminated it (part of story). This includes demons, succubus, vampires, witches, Dullahan, skeletons and zombies.
b. B--Male on Male is NOT allowed. NO Herms as well (this part might change on story paths). Focus on Male with Female interactions, or teasing Female with Female.
c. C--There are NO PURE-BRED animals in this world. All animal resources come from mythical species. If you need eggs, you use a Harpy. If you need Beef-steak, you eat a Minotaur. In that regard, there are domesticated or enslaved groups of these species in cities, as well as wild groups living in their own habitats. If you are looking for a specific animal, make a Demi human/ Beast man—like Giant Slug with man torso and slug body/foot. Exceptions might be purely mythical animal-based forms with intelligence—like Dragons, Unicorns, and Fenrir’s offspring. All others will be mixed with human body forms, as described above.
d. D--The main Human Giant character is NOT allowed Magic. Although the rest of the world uses it, as a human you do NOT have that capability.
e. E--There is no physical weaponry. Due to human extinction (part of story), weaponry has nearly all shifted to magic-based usages. NO swords, arrows, or cannons. Use magic-based enhancements for individuals (fire blade, or thunder claws) or large-scale spell casting for city defenses (meteor attacks, or large magic beams).

4. The human is a Giant. As such you will have certain sizing factors.
a. A-- You can be as tall as 6000 feet—or over 1 mile. To compare, that is just about as tall as the Appalachian Mts or the altitude of Colorado Springs. This should make you taller than most buildings and allow you to hold your victims well in the palm of your hand.
b. B-- The smallest you will be is 50 feet tall. This should be at least 10x taller than 5’00” person that most of the populations will have, and even the tallest ones (baring Dragons and Elemental species) will still be smaller than you.
c. C-- Most of the time you will stay as large as possible. You can shape-shift down to 50’ but you cannot go smaller—UNLESS YOU GIVE REALLY GOOD STORY FOR IT, AND YOU CANNOT REMAIN SMALL. You can also make a victim as large as ½ your size, but they cannot remain that big—so you could have sex with a castle princess, in the castle grounds, smashing thru walls in wild abandon, but she will revert back to normal size when you are done.
d. D-- Most species will be comparable to either a “Teddy Grahams” cracker, or the size of a thumbnail to the protagonist. The biggest will be hand-sized, like a “Mini Beanie Baby” or “Funko” figurines. Only the largest—Dragons and certain Elementals—will be dog/cat size in comparison.

5. You can do what you want with the world. You can eat the species; you can have sex with the different species. You can treat the world as your toy or your home –fridge, bath, or toilet; you can ignore them, doing your own thing with them underfoot. You can craft what you need, with the species resources around you--shear a pack of Were-sheep to make yourself wooly socks or make a stone hammer from the corpses of stone golems.
6. Story perspective should stay with the main character/ giant. If you change view-points, it can only be for single chapter, and must revert back to the main character with the chapter selections. If you need more time as that secondary character, you MUST include selection between 2nd character and main story.

--I reserve the right to change or add additional rules as the story progresses. I will also try to modify the entries that do NOT follow the rules but reserve the right to delete ill-fitting chapters.
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