"Wait," said Drif. "If your mom knows about the curse, why didn't you ask her for more details? It'd be easier to see what was going on if we knew a little more."
Melona thought for a moment. There was a reason why she didn't, right? Right?
"Um," said Melona. "I--because she was acting weird?"
Drif gaped at Melona. Had a single spell drained that her friend of that much intelligence? This had to be fixed. Now.
"I'm sorry!" said Melona. She was hanging her head in her hands, on the verge of tears as she stared at her own swollen breasts. "I know there was a reason, I just can't remember it!"
"It's okay," said Drif. "You said that she was talking about how you'd like being dumb, right? I think she legitimately thinks that this is for your own good. 'Ignorance is bliss' and all that."
Melona perked up immediately. "That's right! Oh, thank you Drif!" She leapt to her feet and hugged Drif, shoving Drif's head into her deep cleavage. Drif thought about struggling, then decided against it. Then she thought about giving Melona's new boobs a squeeze. At the last second, she decided to compromise and just give her friend's chest a reassuring pat. Melona backed off. "Sorry, I just--got excited, you know?"
Drif nodded and took a deep breath. "Don't apologize. That was the best thirty seconds of my life. That being said, I should get going. We should get this fixed ASAFP."
"Okay," said Melona. "Good luck! I'll stay here."
Drif nodded and left the dorm, then returned.
"Hey um, I was gonna ask this but got distracted by the whole 'boobs' thing. How do you get to your mom's place?"
A few minutes later, and Drif was sitting with Melina in the vacation home's drawing room, wrapping up her explanation. For being wealthier than some lesser queens, she had been quite a generous host. And easy on the eyes. Drif resisted the urge to slap herself. She needed to focus.
"And that's the whole situation," Drif said. She helped herself to a bit of sponge cake. It'd be rude not to give it a try.
"Well," said Melina, doing her best to cross her arms across her colossal bust, "I'm not sure why you felt the need to tell me." She was giving Drif a warm smile, but Drif felt like there was something going on behind those eyes. There was no way that there was actual intelligence at play here, right? Judging by the size of Melina's tits, she must have drained away enough brainpower to leave an average woman a drooling vegetable. "I know what's going on. Melona will be worried at first, sure, but once she gets to a certain point she'll realize that I was right." Melina leaned forward, placing her breasts on the table. Drif could swear that they made an audible thump. "And I don't think you'd mind either."
Drif nearly spat out her sponge cake. "Mff fwomf--" she swallowed. "What are you talking about?"
"Honey," laughed Melina. "You've had your eyes on my tits since you saw me. Wouldn't you want a nice, malleable friend with a rack like mine?"
Malleable. Three syllables. Something was at play here. "I mean, I'd rather she was smart than um."
"It's okay, darling."
"No, I mean I don't mean to offend, but--"
"No, not that." Melina's smile made Drif understand why people went to war. At this point, Drif would have burned down kingdoms for her. She was worried that Melina knew what she was doing. Worse yet, she was pretty sure Melina was winning. "You don't have to act like you wouldn't want Melona to be nice and stupid. You could get her to do whatever you want. She'd need you. And you know--" Melina licked her lips "--you're a nice girl. I've even heard that you could really make a name for yourself with your potions. Melona would be lucky to have you." Good lord, she was actually biting her own lip now. "I wouldn't mind having you myself."
That was enough to snap Drif back to her senses. Melina knew the jig. She wasn't the imbecile that Melona said that she was. But then again--
"Mrs. Pearsly," said Drif, "No offense, but I don't think you recovered enough of your intelligence."
Melina actually recoiled. "What? How did you know?"
Drif grinned. She had seen this on the Manavision once. "Because you just told me."
Melina scowled. "Gods. But how did you know before then?"
"You're my best friend's mother, you have more money than some of the gods and more up boobage than most of them," said Drif. "And I'm an unwashed lunatic alchemist. Nobody's gonna come on to me that hard, much less you."
Melina sighed, then smiled again as Drif stared at the titanic rise and fall of her bosom. "Well, it is fun watching you squirm."
"So you either have a cure for the curse, or a way to mitigate it, or something." Drif took a deep breath. "And I don't care if I could get a dumb Melona on her back and moaning my name every night for the rest of my life. I don't want to lose my friend. And my friend is smart."
Melina rolled her eyes.
"Well, you are right. I did get some of my brainpower back. I can even tell you how. But, let me offer you a deal. If you let Melona cast her brains away--"