"Calling any cars near Main and Asimov streets," said Dispatch.
Officer Smith picked up the radio. "Car 4-12, we're within three minutes of there," she said.
"Got a report of what seems to be a domestic disturbance - raised voices, objects breaking - and it's been going for a while," said Dispatch.
"On it," said Officer Smith.
"So, Domestic Disturbance?" Johnathan asked.
"Possible," said Officer Smith. "Usually the husband is the aggressor, at least in male-female couples, but as I've learned, the wife might be more dangerous - they like to use mental and emotional manipulation, even making a male officer think that she's the victim, when the truth of the matter is, the husband was just protecting themselves, or their children, from her."
"Personal experience?" Johnathan asked.
Officer Smith nodded. "I was the child, that was abused by her mother," she said. "She'd blame the bruises on accidents. She always told me that if I didn't go along with it, she'd put father in jail for child abuse - child abusers, or those accused of it, don't last long in prison."
"What happened?" Johnathan asked.
"Father had his suspicions, so one day, he left for work, but not really," said Officer Smith. "There was a neighbor, they had a tendency to leave the back door unlocked. My father, after giving them a call, went into their house, found a spot that let him look into our house, yet remain hidden. From there, he saw what really happened, especially when she decided to go after my brother with a baseball bat, all because he was crying, only for me to get in the way of the swing. He came over right quick. He had this look in his eyes - told me and my brother to head to our room, and to not come out, until the police came. The police eventually came, along with the ambulance. My father turned himself in, for what he'd done - he beat my mother to death, with his bare hands. I testified, told the judge, and jury, and all of them, what my mother was like, about her manipulations, about how she'd forced me to keep silent. He was charged with voluntary manslaughter - killed mother to protect me and my brother. He's serving thirty years for it - another 10 to go, before he can walk out, a free man."
"I am sorry to hear of this," said Johnathan.
Officer Smith chuckled. "Still, it could be something else," she said. "Could be that they are watching the baseball game - Yankees versus the Sox - and they are each fans of different teams, and are cheering a little loud and enthusiastically. Or, maybe that they are martial artists that like to get physical before getting physical."
"What does that mean?" Johnathan asked.
"Tell you later."
They soon pulled up to the address.