Alex and I ordered a pizza and stayed in, we were both tired and could use the rest.
About an hour into a movie which neither of us were really paying attention to, Alex spoke up.
"Jonah, we've been friends for a while now, right?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"I got a confession to make, I have some ulterior motives to us moving in together, more than just saving some money."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that, you know its been rough, for both of us, the dating life," he was hesitant. "But I think I have an idea."
"Dude, I'm not gay, and I don't think you are either."
"I'm not, but, this house, the realtor told me a secret about it. It can make certain things we want become real. And I had an idea, what if one of us, if we could, could become a woman, and we become boyfriend girlfriend."
"That's crazy talk man. A, we can't just switch genders, and b, really? Which one of us would make the switch, I'm not interested in being a woman."
"I was just thinking out loud."
"Well, don't be crazy, things can change. Don't forget your name is on the lease, you can kick me out any time, but don't be talking crazy like that."
"The thing is, its not that crazy."