(Chapter originally written by PhoenixStriker)
Out of every place that you possibly expected Jenna to take you for the day, Weston University was about the last place you would've thought of, yet that was clearly where she had taken you the moment your eyes adjusted to the bright lights.
Jenna was out in the middle of the quad, a spacious block of lawn not dissimilar from a small park, nestled between the lecture buildings and class halls surrounding it. It was a beautiful day out, and a fair few students were milling about the quad, whether it was soaking in the sun or taking a break on a bench beneath the few trees that dotted the yard. Jenna held you out in her open palm almost as if she was letting you take in the sights, so you didn't waste your chance to observe your surroundings.
You'd been to Weston only a few times out in the open like this since graduating yourself. Even then, the majority of the courses you'd taken had been virtual, letting you safely earn your degree from home. Sure, you'd been to the college in a theoretical sense plenty of times in the past few years, but the majority of those times were...less than pleasant. Whether it was substituting as day-long chewing gum for Jenna, serving as a hidden tattoo beneath Ashley's rounded rump, or all other manner of prank and scheme, you'd technically been around Weston quite a bit. It was rare to be (for the moment) uncrushed though.
As you peered around the campus from your vantage in your sister's hand, you tried to reason why Jenna would have taken you here. Clearly, she was here for some sort of purpose, but what was that purpose? Did she have a class today, or was she just trying to hang out with friends. Maybe she just wanted a fresh new backdrop to torture you in. Your sister certainly never ran out of creative new ways to screw you over, and she often did so by switching up her locales and targets. Or could it be...something else? You recalled hearing something or other about Jenna joining some sort of sports club.
While you stared, a trio of girls that brushed past Jenna caught your eye for some reason. Two of the girls were unaffected, and the third was an affected tiny like yourself.
The one unaffected girl was a toned, muscularly-proportioned black girl dressed in (despite the heat of the sun) a dark red leather jacket and ripped jeans, but articles of which seemed ill-fitting on her pronounced curves. Even still, she was more modest than the second unaffected girl, who was a dark-haired pale girl with utterly mind-blowing curves that jiggled and shook with each step, irregardless of the girl's simple black tee and skirt. They were each incredibly gorgeous, but that wasn't why you were staring. Something about them just seemed...oddly familiar.
The tiny was familiar too, though you still couldn't fully place the reason why. The little girl (who startlingly looked like she was an abnormally tall inch-and-a-half) had a shock of wild bright pink hair and was manically laughing at some joke the dark-skinned beauty had told her. She was nestled in the crook of the girl's leather jacket, looking like she was living life to the fullest and having a blast. The two unaffected girls were clearly incredible friends with her, and you felt a pang of jealousy watching them walk by. In comparison, your own frequently dangerous small friend group seemed abysmal.
At least you always had Mari!
A taunting snort of a laugh broke you from your stare, and you jerked your head up to find Jenna smirking down at you.
"Ogling my friends, Matt?" Jenna teased. "Always knew you were a little perv. What would Mari say?"
You simultaneously frowned and blushed. "I-I wasn't s-staring, Jenna!" You insisted, even as you technically did have to strain yourself not to take a tiny peak at the sculpted and massive rears of the unaffected women sway side-to-side as they walked past. "Those three just looked familiar! That's all!"
Jenna rolled her eyes, but didn't press the issue further. "You've probably seen them in some photos before. We aren't best friends or anything, but I have a class with each of them. The leathered-up girl is Dodger, and her curvy pale pal is Sydney. The little affected girl is Piper. We get along well enough, though I've always wanted to hang out more with them."
Shockingly, your sister was being fairly candid with you, and there didn't seem to be any 'other shoe' about to drop. You crossed your arms and looked up at Jenna. "Well, try talking with them more. You always seem to make friends pretty easily." You added that last part mostly as a compliment, but also as a slightly jaded barb. Jenna had a frightening capacity to make strangers trust her instantly, which had screwed you over hundreds of times in the past as part of her endless stream of pranks.
Jenna sighed. "Yeah, you're right. I'm probably making it harder than it needs to be. Though...I still feel a bit awkward around Dodger. After a few of our courses together, I asked her out to dinner." A rare faint blush tickled your sister's cheeks. "She was really kind about letting me down with a 'no', but I still was crazy embarrassed. Dodger said she goes more towards tinies than regular girls...even though it felt like she kept staring at Sydney the next time I saw her."
You frowned. "Is Dodger in a relationship with Piper, then?"
"Oh, no. They all see each other more as sisters than anything else, from what I've heard. A shame, really, because Piper's super cute. I really love how pretty her hair looks when--" Jenna cut off her rambling, her blush deepening a shade. You couldn't help but smile smugly watching your sister flounder through her words when she was normally so incredibly composed. Obviously, Jenna was crushing on Piper, and clearly hadn't fully worked that out in her own mind yet.
Noticing your teasing look, Jenna scowled and clenched her fist tighter around you, enough to squish you but not fully compress you into a blob. "Knock it off, Matt. You know what? Just for that, maybe I'll make today extra exciting for you, huh? Does that sound fun?"
You twitched your head in an effort to show your dismay in this course of action, but only earned a smirk in response.
"Is that a yes? See, I knew you'd be excited!" Jenna said with a laugh.
You mentally groaned. Just like that, your sister's internal switch was flipped again, and she was back in cruel pranking mode. You desperately wished Jenna would just grow out of this stupid phase already...only to again be hit with the worry that perhaps Jenna wasn't in a phase at all, and that her treatment of you would continue like this for the rest of your life. You wanted nothing more than a loving and caring relationship with your younger sister, but at every turn Jenna seemed to prioritize your misfortune and her short-term happiness over anything more. Just what was going on inside her head, to make her hate you so?
Jenna sighed and adjusted her glasses. "See, I actually just brought you here to switch things up a bit. I've got a few different things to do on campus today, and I figured it'd be funnier to have you tagging alongside for the ride. You always brighten up my day, big bro, and there's just so much that Weston has to offer!"
As she theatrically spoke, Jenna spun in a circle, and even your partially crushed head could see the various landmarks of Weston's campus all around you. There was the retreating visage of Dodger, Sydney, and Piper heading into one of the lecture halls. Off in the distance was the student housing, where the particularly gaudy Omega Phi Nu sorority building stood loud and proud. And then, at the other end of the quad, was the rather large gym and fitness building, plenty of athletically-clad students milling about.
You gulped and stared back up at Jenna, only to find her looking down at you with that threateningly mischievous glint in her eye. What on earth does she have planned for you?
1) Jenna's head off to one of her courses for the day, so she walks off to the same lecture building Dodger, Sydney, and Piper heading into. What class does she have today, and which of the three girls does she share the class with? Perhaps most important...what's Jenna's plan with you once there?
2) Jenna strolls over to the Omega Phi Nu sorority building, hiding you in her pocket. She requests a tour from one of the sorority sisters, who gladly takes your sister inside and shows her around. Once inside, however, Jenna has plans to make your visit to the sorority house an unforgettable one.
3) Jenna reveals how she's just been accepted onto the swim team, and her first official practice starts in fifteen minutes. She jogs over to the gym building and enters the locker room, which is already filled with a bunch of other girls, including (to your surprise) Ashley. As Jenna and the girls change into their suits, your sister prepares to make sure you're fully committed to the group practice as well!