Gilgamesh blew a possession dart into the body of Miyu, Illya's best friend, having her messing with that hair-head of a magical girl was an excellent idea he couldn't misuse.
As soon as the dart pierced Miyu's skin his perspective shifted, now he was sitting next to Illya who was still sitting on her desk trying to fill the endless mountain of tests.
"Have... to finish... the exam..." she mumbled as she scribbled something on one piece of paper and then moved to the next, dropping the filled exam to the ground, and by the looks of that pile of paper on the ground, he could tell she had been doing this for a while.
"Illya?" Suzuka asked as she touched her friend's shoulder, slightly pushing but barely getting a reaction.
"Have... to finish... the exam..." the white-haired girl repeated as she kept 'finishing' exams and throwing them to the ground.
"Taiga left... you know you can stop, right?" her friend communicated her pointless task was over but the other girl just ignored her, "She even left your toy there" She pointed to the desk but Illya's eyes were still glued to the paper.
"Have to finish... have to finish..." Illya now started rocking on her chair, her stare was blank and her doodles started to lose what little meaning they had before.
"Don't worry I know exactly what to do!" Gilgamesh exclaimed as pushed Suzuka away from the enthralled Illya, then he proceeded to slap the magical girl right in her face, "Illya!" and shouted Miyu's lungs out.
"Uhh... w-what..." Illya finally seemed to snap back to reality, she blinked nonstop as she shook her head, then she stopped her erratic motions and just ribbed a hand against her brow, "What happened?"
"You were doing Taiga's test, you dummy, the one she gave you after she took Ruby–" Gil's explanation was cut short when Illya sprang up from her chair.
"Ruby!" the white-haired girl yelled as she dashed towards her teacher's desk where her precious kaleidostick was resting, she wasted no time and quickly shoved Ruby back into her bag... she already expected her to berate her for that...
"What's the deal with that thing Illya" Suzuka asked as she sneaked on her friend, "I didn't know you were such a hardcore otaki–"
"It's not mine!" Illya shouted as she hugged her backpack, she could already feel her cheeks burning... why was this day so weird? "I'm just... uh... I just found it on my way here, it was laying in the middle of the street!"
"Sure..." a chuckle escaped her friend's lips as she slightly elbowed her on the ribs, "Don't worry I'm not judging it's just–"
"But I am!" Gil interrupted the black-haired girl, he crossed his arms and slightly shook his head, "I can't be friends with such a dweeb, just thinking about you playing magical girl makes me feel sick!" he stuck his tongue out to hammer the point.
"Didn't she say you gave her that wand?" Suzuka arched a brow, "Because that makes you look like an even bigger otaku..."
"Shut up, four eyes!" the little god barked at her and then turned his attention back to Illya, "From now on I want nothing to do with your sorry otaku mongrel ass, in fact" he turned around, now staring at a random boy, already changed into his gym clothes, that was about to leave the room.
"I'm gonna spend all day with this guy!" Gil yelled as he tackled the boy to the ground.
"W-what's going on!?" the boy tried to ask but was stopped when 'Miyu' placed a finger over his lips.
"Shhhhh you don't need to say anything, darling, I know exactly how you feel~" the 'girl' cooed, "Now why don't we kiss?"
"M-Miyu!?" Illya felt the need to ask if this girl was even the Miyu she knew, she expected that kind of behavior from Chloe but Miyu... she had never expected to see her smooching with a guy.
But almost as if we're reading her mind, Miyu's attitude changed when her lips were about to meet the boy's, her eyes grew wide and she let out a shriek, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" then she crawled away from the boy and leaned against the wall, "S-stay away from me y-you pervert!"
"Illya, can you remind me why you're friends with this girl?" Suzuka let out a sigh as she shook her head, this girl was starting to act even more deranged than Tatsuko.
"Uhh... it's complicated to explain... she's just having a really bad day, okay?" Illya wasn't sure what to make of this situation, but unknowingly to her an invisible deity was fighting not to laugh at the absurdity of her, and unknowingly to her this was just the beginning...