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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Entertainment · #2317762
Nic gets a power to control his friends lives how he wants!

Nic gets a power to control his friends lives how he wants!

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Lexy Mendoza invited Nic Delgado to her brother Josh Mendoza's birthday party at her house. The party was lively, with laughter, drinks, and games filling the air. As the evening progressed, a mysterious figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere and froze time for everyone except Nic with a wave of his hand. This enigmatic figure approached Nic and informed him that he had been granted a unique power—the ability to make people switch in multiple ways.

Nic was told that all he had to do was think about who he wanted to switch, and those individuals would immediately fall into a trance-like state. While in this state, they would stop whatever they were doing and switch with each other. The changes would be seamless, and once completed, only Nic would retain any memory of how things were before the switch. Everyone else would continue as if nothing unusual had happened, fully embodying their new identities.

With this newfound power, Nic realized he could alter reality at will, knowing that the world around him could shift instantly, all under his control.

Here are the characters we have to start our story.

**Nic Delgado** - 5'10", 25 years old, with a stocky build, Hispanic male, dark short hair, thick reddish/black facial hair, and a white complexion.

**Lexy Mendoza** is a 4'9", curvy-built Hispanic woman who is 20 years old. She has a curvy body, long dark and blonde hair, and a tan complexion.

**Javier Reyes** - 5'10", 23 years old, with a muscular build, Hispanic male, dark, thick long hair, thick black facial hair, a coworker, with a tan complexion.

**Maria Vargas**—5'7", 28 years old, with a fit build, is a Hispanic female with dark long hair. She is a coworker. She has a tan complexion.

**Kristella Mendoza** - Lexy's mom, 45 years old, 5 feet 1 inch tall, with a flabby build, long blonde hair, Hispanic, and a white complexion.

**Ruben Mendoza** - Lexy's stepdad, 40 years old, 5'7", with a stocky build, bald, dark goatee, Hispanic, and a tan complexion.

**Tina Mendoza** - Lexy's grandmother, 75 years old, 4'11", with a slim build, short blonde hair, and a white complexion.

**Josh Mendoza** - Lexy's brother, 5'8", 29 years old, with a slim build, short buzzed hair, and a white/tan complexion.

Please write from Nic's point of view, and feel free to add any characters!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2317762-Transfigured-Ties