Deciding to find out if the rumors she'd heard were true, Gwyn began making her way in the direction of Xandara. The rumors could definitely have just been made up, as most rumors are, but if they weren't, well what's more free than walking around in nothing but your underwear, especially coming from a kingdom filled with stuffy formalities and politics? With that, she was on her way, a smile on her way as she moved away from her old life.
As she moved along the pathway to the strange city, she began to notice something. There were quite a few scattered colors around as she got closer to Xandara, colors that didn't belong in nature, and as she got even closer, she noticed that they were clothes. Dresses, tunics, pants, even cheap-looking armor pieces were thrown all around, hanging from trees, covering shrubbery, or simply lying on the ground. As she reached the city, she found out exactly why.
Approaching the large gate that led to Xandara, Gwyn was met by a pair of guards, both of which seemed to be wearing chain mail bikinis. As she got closer, though, Gwyn would find out that they were simply in their undergarments, both of which were colored steel gray to give the illusion of armor, however skimpy that armor may be.
"Hold!" One of the guards commanded, Gwyn stopping a few feet in front of them. "Seems as though you're new to the city. Strip down to your skivvies!" She then commanded, giving Gwyn a bit of a shock. "It helps us dole out punishment more easily" She then explained, that indeed making some sense to Gwyn. "If you are within city limits with anything more on, then you will be punished harshly."
She was more than up for this before now, but now that she knew the rumor was true, did she really want to go through with what they were commanding? Well, if all of the citizens were required to anyways, then why not? Right?
Option 1: "Right!" Gwyn proceeds to strip and enter the city where she's met with others nude down to their undies
Option 2: "Wrong!" Gwyn refuses the guards and is immediately brought into the city for punishment
Option 3: "Right!" Gwyn proceeds to strip and enter the city only to find that the rumor was false, only meant to mess with newcomers
Option 4: "Wrong!" Gwyn refuses and the guards laugh it off, explaining how the rumors aren't true.
Option 5: "Maybe I should just sneak in instead?" She says to herself away from the guards, proceeding to do just that without removing her clothes
Originally written by Sparrow