Elowen sees such potential for fun, for amusement, people willing to believe, to partake. He has an ability to read a room, but also the individual people. That woman, lovely as she is, has a dual aspect...he could turn her into two people and one male on female. An interesting proposition but one hard for her to explain after the show. And restoring her would waste an opportunity. The older woman not far from her.... she is at the cusp of becoming one of those crazy cat ladies, but in fact her psyche has an aura that would make her a lovely tabby herself. And she would enjoy it, but it would also vastly shorten her lifespan and not something he is wont to do. That man, of yes, he would allow Elowen to shrink him down, to astound the audience and he would even tolerate his new reduced size, allowing Elowen to allow him to leave as a mere speck of a human, to explore his new reality all but invisible to the humanity he would leave behind. He almost picks him... shrinking is a lovely sort of magic. But. But Elowen senses something rare, something he has not sensed in some time. Someone out in this crowd is brimming with magical potential. Not a mage themselves, not like that one young man all those years ago, now working as a similar mage in Asia. Nor that woman, who decided to take her magical arts back in the ages. He figures she went back home to Salem, but was not of mind to travel back himself and check...since time travel into the past was a one way excursion.
No, someone out in this audience has the gift, the mark, the essence of magic. Not to be able to use and control it, but to have it be used upon them, control them. This person, if their hand is up, well, Elowen will have a new assistant, but in reality a new possession. Yes, a human, but their level of magic imbued into them..a mage such as himself would own them, form them, make them whoever, WHATever he may fancy, his magic having almost limit with regard to their form and reality. Elowen hopes with more desire than he has had in ages that this person has their hand up, that they are unwittingly volunteering to be....
"You sir, in the tan sportcoat, Elowen choose you" he says with a broad smile, to the accompaniment of clapping. Some encouraging, some merely polite becuase they wanted to be chosen, some simply clueless about this and thinking it just a show, the man a plant in the audience. But no, Elowen knows... and his hand was raised, his countenance conflicted, tired of the vicissitudes of life, and looking for an escape. Well, he found one...
The man arrives at the stage and climbs up, a wholly unimpressive example of masculinity. In his late 40s, maybe 50s, overweight but not grossly so, and dressed in clothes that speak to a limited budget. What passes for a nice outfit for him is just shoddy enough to not fit in with the classy crowd at this resort, but also not of the crass and casual attire the tourists gravitate toward. None of that matters to Elowen, or rather, it matters as signs in all the right directions. No one will miss this man, not even himself.
The usual showmanship... tell the audience your name... yes Clay, lovely, enjoying your time at the resort...where are you from...here with anyone else... none of it matters remotely to Elowen, but it is an expected part of the show. Yes, Clay (wonderfully appropriate name that, he certainly is clay for Elowen's magic) is here with some friends from work, but their auras as so mundane that what is about to happen, they will not only easily pass it off as illusion, but also be easily manipulated to forget Clay was with them. Indeed, to even forget Clay existed. Because when Elowen is done with him, he won't.
Elowen's mind was racing even as he outwardly made the interview and set up the first act, inviting Clay to step into a curtained box. Shutting it and spinning it around, he explains to the audience that he is about to: