Trever led the way down the hall with Mark nipping at his heels. Jonny struggled to keep up since the whole hallway system was new to him. Every turn looked the same, no signs at all. He couldn't even be sure they were actually moving anywhere when all of a sudden, several other boys were coming out of other hallways, right into the big hallway.
Jonny felt disoriented, realizing this school was just one big maze.
As some of the other boys ahead of him entered some double-doors, he couldn't help but notice their butts in full view while they walked in their gowns. None of them seemed to care. At least, until they entered the examination room.
There were five lines of boys, all standing very close together so you could hardly even see the backside of any of the boys anymore. But instantly, Jonny heard some whimpering from the front of the lines,
Ouch! Please, I'm sorry! I'll lift my gown higher next time, I swear!
He couldn't see what all the fuss was about, but Mark and Trevor got in line fast, right next to each other, and Jonny lined up right behind Trevor. Jonny heard more whimpering, and couldn't help but lean over slowly to Trevor's ear and quietly ask,
What the hell are they doing up there? Why are they hurting him!
Trever was quick to reply,
Just shut up, they don't like talking.
Jonny shut his mouth and leaned back, and decided to just wait till he was further up to see for himself. There were lots of other boys whispering, though. He couldn't help but wonder, What's the big deal? Trevor tensed up and became very still, making Jonny look around nervously.
The boy right next to Jonny kept 'accidentally' pushing his hips forward, thrusting his junk right up against the other boy's bare behind and laughing. Every time he did the boy just blushed and quietly told him to stop it. But the boy kept thrusting and started whispering and taunting the kid,
Oh yeah, I bet you like it! You're thirsty for some cock, huh? C'mon, slut! Bend over and take it!
You there!
A female teacher pointed angerly to the boy right next to Jonny. The boy's face dropped as he said,
Ah, c'mon! We were just joking around! Besides, you know you like seeing this!
The teacher's face turned red and scowled. She grabbed the boy's arm and whipped him right out of line like a 50 cent bag of cookies in the clearance isle. Jonny's eyes were glued as the teacher sat down on a chair and bent the boy over her lap. The boy's perfectly plump, rounded behind soon became a glowing shade of red as the teacher's expert aim smacked each cheek in succession, leaving clear handprints that looked like red paint. The boy kicked his legs up behind him and squealed like a little girl,
OW!! Stop! Oh my god, I'm sorry, I'm SORRY! Please!
Smiling with the boy's plea, she stood him up and shoved him to the back of the line, which was growing longer by the second. She wanted to make sure he'd get even more punishment though, so she told him with a sneer,
Stay in that line right there, where I can see you! And anytime someone gets behind you, you let them go in front, understand?!
The boy just nodded his head and wiped away a few tears, sniffling. Jonny noticed that the other boys in the room were now very hushed, but still whispering slightly. Then, as Jonny got closer and closer to the front, he could start to see what this 'medical exam' was all about.
The boy in the front of the next line over was slowly lifting the FRONT of his gown, all the way up to his chin, leaving him completely naked and exposed. Jonny gasped as he could kind of see the boy's wiener, just the tip. This kid was right in front of Mark, and for some reason, it was making Mark really worried. Mark started saying under his breath,
Oh god, please, no, please, not the full check, Please! Not the full check!
Confused, Jonny looked ahead to see what was happening. A male teacher, sitting in a chair, was reaching forward with huge blue latex gloves and gripping the boy's junk. The boy kept squirming and twitching. The teacher didn't say a word, but Jonny could see his powerful arms pulsing as he lifted the boy's dick up and palpated each testicle, thoroughly. He said plainly,
Hmmm, you don't have a lump on this, now, do you? I better be sure. FULL CHECK!
The boy groaned with disappointment as another teacher gripped his arms and lifted him to the next platform up. Waiting on top of the platform were two big, flat, plastic boards, standing straight up in the air with four straps on them. Jonny realized they looked like hospital stretchers to carry people to the ambulance. A few strong teachers grabbed the boy, strapping in each arm and leg in a flash. Jonny could see the boy looking at the crowd, tears starting to slide down his cheeks while he whimpered. His gown flowed loosely in front of him, covering his naked body while being strapped in. But as soon as he was set, the teachers removed his last shred of dignity. One teacher on each side grasped the bottom of his gown and lifted it right up, covering the boy's face and draping the gown up over the top of the stretcher. Jonny could see the boy shaking his head left and right through the gown and whimpering louder while the boy's dick and balls dangled freely underneath.
Jonny was startled. It was almost his turn. He kept up in line, and had an almost perfect view of the kid on the stretcher. Like a trainwreck, Jonny didn't want to see what was about to happen but couldn't look away. Most of the teachers made their way back down from the platform, and Jonny could hear Mark starting to freak out, since it was his turn next. Trevor was still right next to him, trying to calm his friend, but quietly, since he didn't want the same fate,
Mark, seriously, shut up! You know they can smell fear!
Mark tried to, he tried his best, but his mind kept racing. He'd never had the humiliation of a full exam. And what's worse, Mark was pretty dang tall for his age, but rather short in the, um, genital department. It wasn't really that small, but being tall AND having a smaller dick made Mark's junk look prepubescent.
Suddenly, Jonny heard a squeal from up on the platform. A teacher had knelt down in front of the strapped-in boy and was grasping each testicle, one at a time, with both of his giant blue-gloved hands. He held the boy's saggy ball sack with one hand and poked and squeezed it with the other. His fingers looked like they were going to poke straight through the poor kid's nut. Each poke and prod made the kid squeal and moan like a little piggy being held up by it's feet. Clearly annoyed at this continued barrage of high-pitched noise, the teacher stood up, grasped both of the boy's nuts firmly, and pulled them away from his body while leaning in close to his face to say,
Francis. If you want to keep these testicles, you'll shut the hell up. Otherwise I'll have no choice but to say I found a "lump," and say they had to be removed.
He squeezed those nuts together like a couple of big squishy marshmallows and pledged,
BOTH of them!
With a wince of pain, Jonny could see the boy shaking his head up and down as the boy cried,
Y-y-yes, sir, I-I'll behave, honest, j-just let me keep my balls!
The boy let out one last pathetic cry before silencing himself. Once he did, the teacher released his grip and started examining each testicle again, even more thoroughly. Mark stepped forward to be examined by the teacher, and kept looking up at Francis, intently. But Jonny's eyes were now glued on Mark, who looked almost pale. Trevor stepped up too. Both boys were ready to lift up their gowns for the teachers to begin their examinations. The teachers nodded, and the boys lifted up their wispy gowns, tucking them up into their armpits. From the corner of his eye, Jonny could see the teacher in his line reaching in toward Trevor's crotch, making him twitch slightly, but Trevor hardly made a sound. Then, focusing on Mark, he wondered why he couldn't see anything. Mark was almost right next to him, but he couldn't even see the tip of his dick. The teacher in front of Mark removed all doubt,
Oh, well, not much to examine here, is there! Spread your legs a little. I'll need to use my fingers on you!
Mark's face turned bright red while he kept his arms tight to his side but covered his face with his hands, completely humiliated. He let out a forlorn sigh of disgrace as he slowly spread apart his legs. The teacher wasn't impressed,
Hmph, maybe push your hips forward! That might give me access to those little marbles of yours!
The other teachers glanced over and stifled their laughs, nudging each other like jocks in a locker room, shamelessly mocking the poor boy. Mark could see their sideways glances and smirking smiles through his fingers covering his flushed cheeks and watering eyes. He started to whimper and cry uncontrollably as he thrust his hips forward and opened his legs more, trying to get his sticky little sack to cooperate. Satisfied with the belittled boy's attempt, the teacher finished,
Ah, yes! There those little boys are! Let's get these naughty testicles a good exam!
Jonny could see everything now. The teacher pulled on Mark's loose sack and separated one nut easily. He poked it carefully with his pinky, which looked about the same size as Mark's poor little dick. He gingerly let it go, and repeated the process with the other one. Each poke was like the teacher was tickling the cheeks of a baby boy, trying to get it to coo. With a final little poke right on the slightly exposed tip of Mark's shriveled little penis, the teacher slowly released Mark's genitals like letting a little minnow drop back into the lake. Jonny couldn't see anything anymore. With the signal to leave, Mark let his gown drop back down, but kept his hands covering his face as he began to cry from the ordeal.
Jonny's head whipped forward, full of dread. He stepped up, waited for the nod, then slowly lifted his gown. And then...