The size of the newcomer caused Matt to suck in his breath, but Ms. Peach greeted him happily, and Joey grinned madly.
"Hello, Brian," said Ms. Peach. "You aren't looking to hop on the scale are you?"
"Sure," said Brian, "can't let my little brother get ahead of me. How you doing, Joey?" Brian went, clouting Joey in the shoulder with a thickly padded hand. "What size are you up to?"
"321!" said Joey proudly. "And this is Matt - he's new. He's going into B Dorm with me."
"That's great, said Brian, extending a hand to Matt. "I outgrew B dorm a couple of years back, but it's a fun place. Welcome, Matt. Now, Ms. Peach, just how big have I gotten?" said Brian, and stepped onto the scale.
"He's my brother," said Joey in a whisper to Matt. "And my hero. I want to be as big as he is."
Ms. Peach settled the big 300 pound weight on the scale, then pushed the smaller weights across on the rod. "300 plus....263 gives 563 pounds, Brian. That's a good increase - be sure to see the headmaster if you need a new uniform."
Brian smiled broadly and stepped off the scale. "Not yet, Ms. Peach, but it won't be long," he said, plucking at the snug white shirt stretched across his gut. "Have you got your stuff in the Dorm yet, Matt? No, well, we could head up there, or we could just leave your bags here with Ms. Peach and go to the Cafeteria for a little snack - it's nearly break time."