This choice: Go to their house in the middle of the night • Go Back...Chapter #6Go to their house in the middle of the night by: Boba Fett  It seems obvious to Sarah the easiest way to devour each girl without the others interfering is just to do it while they aren't together. Luckily, the assignment isn't due for a couple of days, so Sarah has time. Friday night, everyone will be all partied out and Sarah can sleep in if she has to be up all night, so it seems like the best time to approach such a task. Her first target: Melissa.
As she walked up to the large mansion at 3 AM, it occurs to Sarah that she knew they were rich, but it never once occurred to her how she was going to find them in all the room. By now, everyone is either asleep or passed out, so Sarah figures the easiest thing to do is search the house room by room until she finds Melissa's room.
Upon getting to the front door, Sarah finds the front door unlocked in case any guest decides to leave at some point in the middle of the night. She slinks into the house and almost trips over the first person she comes across as he is lying in front of the door. Carefully stepping over him, she decides that most bedrooms in a multi-story house are on the second floor. She makes her way for the stairs and sneaks up them as quiet as a shadow.
Once she makes it to the second floor landing, she finds a very obvious "Melissa" sign on the correct bedroom. Smiling to herself, Sarah sneaks into the room and shuts the door in case things get rough. Seeing a lump in the bed, Sarah tiptoes over to it and unhinges her jaw. In a short time, she's managed to get half the body into her mouth before there is movement and someone turns the lamp next to the bed on. Sarah pauses, person half consumed, as her and Melissa stare at each other. It turns out that there was not one lump in the bed, but two, they were just so close to each other that Sarah couldn't make them out in the dark. The person Sarah has half vored must be whoever Melissa had ended the party with.
"What the hell!" shouts Melissa as Sarah quickly gulps down the man to get him out of the way. The voring process just invigorated her for more anyway. Sarah jumps over the bed and grabs Melissa. Before Melissa can get out another word, her voice is muffled by entering Sarah's mouth. Having gained the experience from the first person, Sarah more efficiently scoffs down Melissa. Soon the lump of Melissa was joining with the guy she slept with. Hopefully, it was a real relationship as they have a long time to spend together, though not likely.
Hearing people coming, Sarah manages to stuff herself under Melissa's bed in time for Melissa's mother to knock on the door and ask, "everything okay in there, sweetie?" Not hearing a responds, she figures that Melissa was just exasperated about some night time "activities" and returns to bed. Breathing deeply, which is hard given her position under a bed, and her swollen belly, Sarah pulls herself out from underneath the bed. Once she is sure that Melissa's mother is back in bed, Sarah walks out of the bedroom, down the stairs and out the front door to her next target's house.
Veronica is next on the menu, so Sarah makes her way to Veronica’s house. However, what Sarah didn’t know, was that the reason most parties aren’t thrown at Veronica’s house is because she has a Pitbull that doesn’t like, well, pretty much anyone. Sarah is only halfway to the house when she hers barking and the dog come running at her. Instinctually, Sarah opens her mouth to its full range and the dog runs right inside! After closing her mouth and swallowing, Sarah realizes what she’s done! She ate an animal even though she was strongly against it. Half this crusade was about getting out of doing that.
Veronica opens her window and yells out it, “quiet Dog!” as she hadn’t bothered to name it. As Veronica shuts her window, Sarah is thankful that she now knows where Veronica’s room is; it’s even on the first floor! Thinking back about the dog, Sarah concludes that she didn’t want to eat soft cuddly animals. This thing was attacking her! Completely different.
With this justification in mind, Sarah walks in the front door which Veronica forgot to lock given the time she got home. Sidling through the house, Sarah makes her way to where she knows her next meal awaits. Sneaking into Veronica’s room, Sarah’s weight makes the floor creak, but Veronica is already fast asleep.
After Sarah has finished feeling the bed to make sure there is only one body, Veronica wakes back up just in time to see a mouth descending on her. She screams, but it is too late as her voice just reverberates around Sarah’s mouth and down her throat. A few moments gulps later and Veronica has join Malissa. Sarah licks her lips liking this vore thing more and more. Sarah hauls herself up and doesn’t bother attempting to tiptoe as the floor creaks and groans her whole way out of the house.
Not too long later, Sarah stands outside the house of her last victim, Rosanna. Rosanna’s house is the least impressive of the three, but still far more than Sarah could ever hope to own. As Sarah opens the picket fence gate and enters the yard, she wonders if finding Rosanna will be like finding Melissa or more like Veronica. However, when she gets to the door, she finds it locked. Unconcerned, Sarah finds herself an open window and attempts to slide through it. Unfortunately for her, at this point she’s too big to fit through a window, given the feasting she’s been doing.
Eventually, she decides that she has two options: wait for Rosanna to come out, or wait until Monday and get her at school. indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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