"Dammit, Winston, are you sure about this?" Said a man, who was currently digging into the ground feverishly
"Yeah, yeah, this is exactly where he said." Came the response, from a man with a sharp face and oily, slicked-back hair.
The pair were underground, in the old mine that had been abandoned for years. It had been abandoned because of various safety reasons, and this was why the one digging was so concerned. He was a man of medium height, but was well built. He had a roundish, pleasant face which featured a pair of glasses with circular frames.
"Here," continued Winston in a lazy drawl, "is where ol' Stutter said the artifact is. Pity he couldn't come get it himself..."
"Yeah, because you cut his brakes and he's in the hospital now!" Was the angry response.
"Details, details, my dear Alexander. Just keep digging, and we'll get it soon."
"What is this 'artifact', anyways?"
Winston shook his head vaguely. "Who knows? But it's supposed to have great magical powers."
"Magical powers?" Snorted Alexander. "Yeah, right."
"Patience." Winston said, casually watching Alexander dig. After a few minutes, he struck something hard with his shovel. The two exchanged glances, and Alexander hastily dug the item up. It was a battered wooden chest, with a lock that had rusted off long ago.
"This is it!" Said Winston excitedly, prying open the lid.
"It's a damn Ouija board!" Exclaimed Alexander.
"No, I'd say more of a feng shui compass." Winston said nonchalantly, turning over the object in his hands. It was an octagonal board, with a strange crystal in the middle. Various colorful runes were spaced about it in patterns.
"Well, what does it do?" Alexander said impatiently.
"Hmm. Don't know. Let's bring it outside where there's more light."
They went back outside, and Winston looked over the device. He twisted and turned parts of it while Alexander watched, tapping his foot impatiently. Eventually he twisted a couple parts of it so some matching runes were parallel from each other, and the crystal in the middle glowed.
A bright flash of light shot toward somebody, regressing them. Who was it?