Before landing on the planet, Inara checked the video monitor to see if there were any potential companion clients on the large, wealthy planet they were about to land on. She was disappointed to learn that Mal was landing his ship on one of the few planets in the verse' where enlisting the services of a Companion was taboo, although not illegal. "Dang you, Mal!", Inara thought to herself. Sure enough, only one potential client came up on the screen: A wealthy, good-looking, eloquent and well-mannered man named Sloan. Considering the client's good looks and charm, and the Companion taboo on this planet, Inara wondered why Sloan would want, or have need of, a companion to fulfill his "needs". A look at the client's requested services showed the answer: He liked to see skinny women eat large amounts of food and.gain weight. "I'm NOT doing that!" Inara thought out loud. "I'll wait till the next planet we land on. I can't ruin my perfect figure!" Unfortunately, Inara's predicament would not be that easy to get out of...
Several Hours After Landing....
While she was spending time with her fellow crew members in a pub on the planet, Mal walked up to the crew with a troubled look on his face. "Well, I have got some good news, and some bad news," Inara rolled her eyes. "Just tell us what's going on..." Mal gave Inara a serious look, and she added,"Captain Reynolds." He continued, "the good news is, I gave our clients the supplies, they ordered, and they even gave us more money for getting them here early, enough to pay for the parts we need for Serenity, and feed the whole crew for about six months!" "We need to work for generous, wealthy people more often!" Kaylee exclaimed, clearly exited at the prospect of finally getting Serenity back into prime condition. "What's the bad news?" Zoe asked. Mal sighed. "We can't fly anymore without the parts we need, and there being shipped her from about halfway 'cross the 'verse. It will take about a month or so for them to get here. Until then, we can't go anywhere!" The other crew members did not seem to upset with that prospect. After all, this was a nice planet, and they had not been planet side for any significant length of time for months. Inara, however, was very concerned. She would have to be Sloan's Companion now, and for a whole month, no less! She couldn't leave the planet, and if she did not get another Client for a whole month, she could be dropped from the Companion's guild! Therefore she had no chose but to take Sloan on as a client, fulfill his strange request for a month, and try to lose weight before she had another client, there was simply no way out of it! Reluctantly, Inara said goodbye to her friends and told a surprised Mal that she had to be on "client business" until they left the planet. Without another word, Inara left for Sloan's estate...
At the Estate...
Sloan immediately ran out to greet Inara as soon as she entered his grounds. He was just as good-looking and mannerly as his view-screen message had made him look. "So pleased you could join me, Inara! I have tried to get others Companions to visit, but they did not like my....alternative preferences. I do hope that fulfilling my requests won't cause you any discomfort. I know that you are only here for a month, but, full disclosure, I plan to make you as plump as I can!" Sloan signaled his request pat Inara's slender stomach, and she reluctantly nodded in agreement before he did so. She decided if she had to do this, it would be better for both Sloan and herself if she pretended to enjoy the prospect of being fattened. "Actually, I had always wondered what it would be like to just let go, eat whatever I want, and get fat, but I didn't want to lose my position as a companion! This should be quiet fun!" Inara lied. Sloan almost lit up at the prospect, "In that case, we will have to feed you even more than I anticipated this month!" Come now. let me show you to your dining room and bedroom!" "Are they next to each other?" Inara asked, puzzled. Sloan laughed. "Let me show you!" He led Inara to a very large room that was already filled with exotic foods from around the verse', both Alliance-controlled and "Independent"(well, kinda) worlds! Inara was taken back by all the delicious aromas in the room, and became VERY hungry, despite having eaten a meal barely an hour ago! She then noticed a large bed in the very center of the room, located within arms reach of most of the food. Sloan gestured for Inara to lay down on the bed, and she complied. Sloan explained, "This is your bedroom AND dinning room! I want you to eat and sleep in the same room so that you won't burn off calories by walking back and forth from the dining room. You will get a lot fatter if you are gluttonous AND sedentary, so you should only leave this room when you need to use the shower or washroom, I hope that won't cause you any discomfort. "Not at all." Inara said. She was almost in a daze from the aroma of all the delicious food in the room. Although she did not enjoy the idea of getting fat, her present hunger, and tiredness brought on by months in a shaky ship, made her almost look forward to a month of gorging herself and relaxing. "Straight to the the fun then!" Sloan exclaimed in excitement, before quickly using a spoon to get a big chunk of a chocolaty, custard-filled dessert of off a nearby plate and sticking it into Inara's opened mouth. Inara's eyes popped open in surprise. That dessert was the best-tasting food she had ever had! And that was just the beginning.
What happens next....