Abruptly, Kelly's stomach let out a low rumble reminding her she had not eaten since the night before:
(Kelly POV)
With that sudden reminder, Kelly knew exactly what was going to happen to these two tasty snacks. Her belly had made its decision and they were going to satiate its needs. But which one first?
(Shrinkee POV)
An ice cold shiver ran down William and Simon as they heard her belly rumble from high above. They didnt miss her thick tongue dart out to wet her lips either. How much food must have passed through that big mouth already? But they weren't food! they were human! Albeit now on a smaller scale but surely she wouldn't! She rubbed her exposed, soft belly looking down at the pair hungrily. Her toes tapping, reminding them of a different end they might have had.
(Kelly POV)
Kelly decides to get down closer to her prey, seeing as they weren't going to go anywhere quickly. She lies down infront of them on her side, her head propped up my one hand, belly facing its food, they were what? Two inches tall? The one on the left who had first spoke out, she recognised as William. He was the older brother of a friend of hers at school! He was cute and well built and they had always got on well, too bad that he had just been reduced to food status. The other boy she didn’t recognise, he was wide eyed and looked very scared. Bless. She licked her lips sensually, mmmmmmmm they were going to taste good. There was no point rushing, no one was going to be home for hours and the look on the boys faces was priceless.
(Shrinkee POV)
Still frozen solid they watched as Kelly came down towards them, as she rested on her side her belly bubbled outwards over the barn floor. They could see her face better now, Kelly was a pretty girl, on the chubby side. But with big soft lips and a pleasant freckled, pale complexion. All the same however the boys didn’t fancy their lives ending as a mere snack to this hungry girl, as they new it would. With her eyes fixed on them, her other hand continued to stroke and swirl her stomach making the silence all the more ominous. Suddenly Simon made a run for it. William still paralyzed with fear collapsed and did not move. “Oh no you don’t” Kelly said.
(Kelly Pov)
With one the guys making a break for it, Kelly finally decided to make her move, she casually outstretched her free hand and plucked the shrinkee mid run, he hadn’t got far. “mmmm hello pudding,” Kelly purred, bringing the shrinkee to her face. “ I don’t believe we’ve met before, my names Kelly and I’m a maneater” and with that she outstretched her big tongue and dropped him in on it. Slowly he made his way into her mouth desperately clawing to get out, screaming and shouting. He almost made it getting halfway out her thick rubbery lips… only to slowly be sucked straight back in. Kelly licked the boy all over, wanting to savour his taste, the other shrinkee William had proceeded to hit her stomach, she smiled at this, I’ll deal with him later. Finally it was time for her little snack to meet its final resting place, in her belly. She swallowed.
(Simon POV)
Simon couldn’t take much more of this and ran, he wasn’t going to be eaten by this girl! He heard her say something behind him, but the door was there in front of him! If he could just… and suddenly he was no longer on the ground and then he was infront of this big girls face. “Please don’t eat me!” he shouted, but she ignored him. She said something to him, but he wasn’t listening and suddenly her big mouth yawned open and he landed on her tongue. He was on a girls tongue! It was squishy underfoot and wet, he tried to get off it, running desperately to get off as he descended into her mouth. The light closing off and he was out! But he wasn’t. Trapped between these soft lips. He was going to die! Just a snack for this hungry girl and with that he gave up. Letting his body go limp he was sucked back in. Swished around this girls mouth, he was tasted all over, clearly she was enjoying him. But finally he slid to the back and down her gullet he went.
(Kelly POV)
“mmmmm, he was yummy!” Kelly exclaimed, patting her big round stomach “yummy in my tummy! And now its your turn little one, do you like my big round belly? There’s got to be nothing better than being inside a girls stomach” She rubbed it for emphasis as William had now backed away. “Whats the matter little one? Are you scared? Soon you’ll be in her with your friend and the only way out is as a blob of mush” she giggled and rolled on to her back, rubbing her tummy sensually. Dreaming of all the fun she had had, and was going to have with this shrink way. “Well William, I think its time you slipped down my throat too…” she rolled over “William?!” He was gone.
(William POV)
After beating on the walls of this giant’s stomach he had given up, it was so soft! Like a big warm, inflatable pillow. Exhausted he collapsed away from it. The black hole of the belly button staring back at him, as big as his head and when he had been next to her stomach it rose out and over-hung him, just daring for this giantess to flatten him under it. He backed away as she taunted him, his friend was in there! In her belly like food. She rolled over, and with her eyes no longer on him, he legged it. Hiding wasn’t too hard for a shrinkee of his size, he simply ran a fair leg and dived under the thin layer of straw. He could see her stand up now, looking around angrily. Big feet padding here and there, belly wobbling with each step He shuddered at the thought of his life ending inside this monster. But she was just a girl! And she saw him as a snack!
(Kelly POV)
Drat he’d escaped, “When I find you William I’m going to eat you!” Suddenly out of the corner of her eye, she saw him. He was just a few feet infront of her two her left, on the floor under some straw. Oh William…. But she decided to play his game. “Fee-Fi Fo Fum!” Kelly stomped around the barn clawing at the straw with her big, bare, dirty feet. After 5 minutes or so she put her foot down on him, trapping him underneath, and smiling like a Cheshire cat, Kelly had caught her prey. grabbing William from her foot she held him to her belly. “Do you hear your friend in there? Mmm you guys are so tasty, but very small, I’m probably going to go eat a big meal after slurping you down, maybe shrink another little man snack. How does it feel to know your life ends in my belly?” She giggled, and with that she raised him to her mouth, and sucked him in feet first. He went straight to the back of her mouth and down to her belly. Kelly burped and sighed happily.
(William POV)
Watching carefully, he was waiting for her to move out of the way of the door so he could make a break for it. But all to suddenly he was sandwiched against the barn floor. He was under her foot! He couldn’t move under the thick, heavy sole and before he knew it he was against her belly. He didn’t want to die! Not in there! He felt his legs being sucked into her mouth through her lips. Those big soft lips. “noooooo!” William screamed as he became nothing more than a snack for a hungry girl
“I’m hungry!” Kelly exclaimed, and walked out the barn.