Phil could not stop thinking about the sleeping girls up on the bed, and he doubted he would ever get another chance like this again. Phil made his way up the side of the bed using the sheets as a ladder, and was soon on top of the bed next to the sleeping girls. Phil poked at Dawn's huge hand to see how deeply she was asleep. The girl made no movement. A little bolder, Phil climbed on top of her hand and jumped up and down. Still, no reaction.
"Whatever were in those pills really put her out!"
Sure now that he would not wake up the trio of sleeping giantesses, Phil made his way up Dawn's arm, until he stood on her collar bone. Looking down her body Phil saw two huge mounds of tit flesh, and knew he had made the right choice. Walking down Dawn's chest Phil was amazed by the size of her breast. Phil ran and jumped into the side of one of them, amazed at how soft the flesh under him was. Climbing up to the top of her breast, Phil flopped down on his back and relaxed.
"This is better than any bed I've ever slept on" Said Phil, surprised at himself for becoming so bold.
Flipping over onto his stomach Phil ground his hardening penis on Dawn's tit, and wrapped his arms around a huge nipple. Leaning forward Phil tasted the sweet flesh, and used his tongue to lick all over it's velvety surface. Even though Dawn was fast asleep, her nipple began to harden under Phil's touch.
Eventually Phil grew bored and moved further down the girl's body, passing over Dawn's abdomen and hips, and finally arriving at what every boy has wet dreams about. Dawn's pussy was lightly covered in blonde pubic hair, which Phil used as hand holds to climb down to the "V" between the huge girls legs. Phil immediately smelled the pungency of Dawn's snatch, and noticed a slight wetness to the lips he was standing on. Curiously, Phil licked the opening to her pussy, and got his first taste of girl juice. Loving the taste, Phil started lapping up any beads of moisture near Dawns opening. As he explored Phil found an unusual knob above him that seemed to pulse with the beat of the giantesses heart. Phil squeezed it a couple of times, then decided to try and get some more of Dawn's sweet nectar. Carefully, Phil pushed his hand into the folds of the girl's vagina. It seemed to him the the inner lips parted with ease, and his arm was quickly surrounded by warm wet flesh. Phil was very aroused by now, so he decided to try something. Pulling his arm back out, Phil sat down and pushed both his feet thru the girl's opening. With a quick thrust Phil found himself buried waist deep in warm, wet, heaven. Phil's cock felt amazing inside Dawn's love tunnel, and Phil thought he could feel a slight suction as her vaginal walls pulsed around his lower body. Phil was lost in the moment and failed to notice a slight shift in the huge body around him. As Phil came inside dawn's cunt, he threw his head back and yelled in the overpowering ecstasy of release. That was when Phil saw the huge hand moving toward him.
Though Dawn was in a very deep sleep, there some things that are very natural for a girl to do, even in her sleep. All the stimulation that Phil had unwittingly done, had brought on a wet dream to the teenagers mind. And right now, Dawn's hand was on it's way to fulfill a deep need.
Phil had only one thought. Run. Kicking frantically, Phil tried to scramble out of the way of the approaching hand, and...