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Review #3552492
Viewing a review of:
The saga of old age.
by Dr M C Gupta
Review of SOLD TO DEATH  
Review by Winnie Kay
In affiliation with Reviewing Reviewers ~ ON HIATUS  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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Because of your awesome reviews and your dedication to the community,
it is my pleasure to reward you with a review of
The saga of old age.
#1686517 by Dr M C Gupta

in affiliation with "Reviewing Reviewers ~ ON HIATUS

The message is clear and tragic. Old age sucks. We have a choice of how we handle what we cannot change. We can accept it and cling to the memories that brought value to our life, or we can lose the “song” we once sang and only dwell on the regrets and sadness of our life. Regardless of which path we choose, the fact remains that our mind and body no longer function properly. Though reluctant, we are “sold to death”.

The 4 stanzas seem to each consist of 3 lines of iambic tetrameter with the last line being a mixture of trochaic / spondaic / iambic trimeter. I am a new student to poetry and I find the academics of various forms tedious as mathematical equations, yet fascinating as solving puzzles. The formation and metered rhythm of this particular piece is consistent throughout each stanza, and I found it enjoyable to read aloud. The words flowed in a steady, even beat.

The rhyme scheme is equally as enchanting as the form. I had to look it up and found that it is associated with the Rhupunt which is a Welsh (part of my ancestry) form consisting of a rhyming scheme of aaab, cccb, dddb, eeeb, etc and a second rhyme is often found internally. I found it challenging and refreshing from the usual, everyday shcemes.

There was only one area where punctuation seemed to be a concern.
You wrote:
When it sags on a downhill slope,*XR*
And hangs from a thin withered rope,
Then one has become old.

No comma need follow “slope” for what follows is not an independent clause. Also, a comma is needed after the introductory clause ending with the word “rope”.

This poem, though sad in its content, was a delight to read. It demonstrates your talent of using just the right word for meaning and rhyme. I didn’t feel the construction was constricted or forced. You mastered the structure making it do whatever you intended, despite the restrictions imposed.

I particularly liked this line:
When heart is cold, hearth has no fire,
When from the young, one earns but ire,

Only someone who has experienced this affliction and abuse could truly understand the message here.
Well done, Dr. Gupta!!

Thank you for this opportunity to review your work.
My suggestions and opinions are offered only in the spirit of helpfulness with no intentions of offense or disrespect of your hard work here.

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