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Review #3914483
Viewing a review of:
 Untitled 3  [18+]
For the Slice. About a camera---man, I'm rusty!
by elizjohn
Review of Untitled 3  
Review by Pol-TIGGY-st
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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*Jackolantern* Tiggy's Halloween "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Review *Jackolantern*

Title: Untitled 3

Author: elizjohn

Type: Short story

*Ghost* First Impressions:

Great ending! Not what I had expected at all, but I guess that was the effect you were aiming for. In my mind, the main character would take this opportunity to rid himself of all the things he didn't like in his life - and in a way, he did just that. I just hadn't anticipated the hatred he felt for himself, although there were plenty of hints early on I should have paid attention to.

I liked how he slowly came to understand the power of the camera. Of course he was apprehensive at first, assuming that someone was playing a trick on him, but that was soon forgotten when he began to imagine what would happen if it was actually true. I don't think the idea of how he was actually going to use the camera formed in his mind at that point, he was just playing with the possibilities. But that made the ending all the more surprising.

*WitchHat* Suggestions:

I admit that I wanted to groan a little when I started reading. A struggling writer; it seemed a bit clichéd as quite a few of us have written about that subject *Laugh* But you took the story in an unexpected and quite original direction. I liked your writing style, it was clear and you described the scene and the main characters very well. The pacing was nicely done, too, and the story unfolded quickly while telling the readers all they needed to know about the character's circumstances and his mindset to explain his actions at the end. So I don't actually have any suggestions to make, personally I wouldn't change a thing about this story.

*Pumpkin* Final Thoughts:

A subtle story that lets the readers into the character's head - I admit that I am not a fan of outright horror, I prefer stories that are about people, their motivation, their emotions, and that's what this is about. To me, the supernatural element is secondary to learning about the character's mindset and what drives him. I enjoyed the read *Smile*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 10/19/2013 @ 3:13pm EDT
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