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Review #3997469
Viewing a review of:
 2-6-11  [E]
To someone who was with me
by Carrie
Review of 2-6-11  
In affiliation with The Newbies Academy Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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A pleasant hour Carrie *Smile*

*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

A Greetings from the "Invalid Item

I'm a friend here Samberine Everose

I've found your piece while visiting your Portfolio, and I'm here giving you a review.
I hope I can bring you a smile.*Smile*

Please remember that I‘m not a professional in writing or an expert in reviewing, anything I say here is just only my humble opinion as a reader who just like to read and appreciate the uniqueness of others thru their works.
Try to chew and just ignore it, if doesn’t fit to your taste.


Title: Every title of piece is so important, it is the first part in which a prospective reader have their first glance, so a title should have a magnetic charm to hook a reader.

I just don't get the title of your piece, I think about a date..?
The brief description is the one that enticed me to read it.

Imagery - a well crafted words if properly used can create a subtle or vivid in imagery.
The proper chosen of words to expressed or to showed the intentionally meaning of the piece
can create a better imagery that can evokes tone and emotions.

The words you weaved is vivid to me, you used words that can stimulate some emotions like certainty,
a feeling to someone, and defining it here. I liked the combination of words like jumped- feet.
I think about 10 as a perfect.

Rhyme and Rhythm: When it was properly been chosen and properly been used by the words that is intently used can be pleasing to the ear when it read aloud and it is also fun to create,
even line breaks on the part of rhythm can stimulate emotions and will set the imagery presented.

This is not a rhyming poetry, and I liked how you showed it using free verse.

I didn't find any word that can distract its flow.
And no doubt arise.

Just only some spacing.
spacing and breaking of lines can make the thought more firm and create an impact.

A feeling or an emotion when it pour into paper can create a beautiful piece,
describing and showing its meaning.
Well done.

Thank you for sharing your piece, I enjoyed reading and reviewing it.
Hoping to see again more works of yours in the future.

Everyone have its own gift and talent,
God made us unique.
Its within us, if we want to improve and share.
So write on, *Pencil*
and always share this wonderful talent you have.

Until next time.*Heart*

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A Great Value of Expressions  (E)
NEWBIES CONTEST"Pen me your Quote,and I'll send you Gifts" CLOSED-will resume on December
#1960298 by Samberine Everose

"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 05/30/2014 @ 5:12pm EDT
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/3997469