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Hi Vivian , This review is a part of "Game of Thrones" [13+]. Overall Opinion: You got me, Viv! When I began to read this poem, I thought, "This is a poem by Viv? Wow, I didn't expect that!" By the end, though, all became clear. Well done! The imagery in this poem is excellent. Quite graphic, quite unpleasant - for a purpose. Along with the brief intro, it slowly painted a picture in my mind of what the person's job might be. As said, I arrived at the completely wrong conclusion partway through your poem. Which was what you intended. The emotions you stir up in the reader go hand-in-hand with that. That brief sense of horror, followed by a good giggle. On the whole, it just works. On the technical side of things, this poem reads well. But then, I expected that from you. I had no trouble catching on to the rhythm and flow of your poem. It's well-presented. I have no complaints! Suggestions: I have no suggestions, dear Viv. Not very helpful, I know, but I couldn't find any errors, nor did I find anything you could improve upon. My Rating: An excellent little poem. I am glad that I found it. I didn't have any suggestions, and enjoyed it very much. So, I'll give this item a rating of 5 out of 5. Thank you for sharing your work, and write on! Kit My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .