Emergency Room [E] Three Minute Read |
Review brought to you by: "Game of Thrones" by Gaby OVERALL IMPRESSION - You have a pretty good story here with a hospital room setting. The only thing that was missing for me was not knowing who your main character was. A man, a woman, just something to help me catch a glimpse of this person. WHAT I LIKED BEST - Good descriptions of their surroundings and how all of that waiting was driving them crazy. PLOT~ Someone is in the emergency, hating the blue gown that covers next to nothing. Wires are hooked up all over the chest, and one from the finger, the nurses have stopped coming in to check on them, the activity of visitors in the hall have stopped as well. Tired or waiting and wanting to know the time, they finally turn their cell phone on and are shocked to discover where they really are. CHARACTER~ Your main character is in the emergency room, forever waiting. They tell the story of all that has happened, the gown not having enough material, being told to turn the phone off, getting to keep the shoes, etc. Even describing the soft music playing wasn't enough for me to make that connection to where they were now. That was a good information plant because I totally dismissed the clue. TECHNICAL~ move at all I flashed anyone