A Spider. . . Really [E] When you hope it is a prank but you are too tired to care. |
Review brought to you by: "Game of Thrones" by Gaby OVERALL IMPRESSION - What a cute story about a mother, her prankster son and a spider. All parents have been there a time or two when they are just too tired to care about creepy crawly bugs on them. WHAT I LIKED BEST - I love that she bailed on him in the end and rushed off to shower away any possible trace of the spider. That made me laugh! PLOT~ A mom and her son are cleaning out the garage when he tells her there's a spider crawling on her. Knowing how her son likes to tease her about one on her phobias she doesn't fall for it and keeps working on getting the task accomplished until she feels something crawling on her neck. CHARACTER(S)~DESCRIPTION~ The mom who doesn't want to fall for the trick and then realizes her son may not be joking after all. The son who is adamant that he's not messing around with her this time and tries to plead his case. I could picture this scene playing out as they cleaned, stopping to discuss the situation and her being too tired to care if he were telling the truth. I could feel the son's frustration when he realized, either way, he was going to lose. DIALOG~ The dialog was real and believable between these two. You made it easy to see everything that was happening, and at the end, brought humor to the story as well.