Dear Jane Austen [E] A letter about what I would say to Jane Austen and how much I appreciate her. |
Review brought to you by: "Game of Thrones" by Gaby IMPRESSION - An open letter to Jane Austin from one of her many fans, a Janeite. Love the term to describe yourself. I admit I had never heard it before. There is a lot of passion in your letter to Jane and you point out which stories of hers that you like best, and which characters are your favorites. I liked the way you approached this subject and how you explained things to her as if she were alive today and wondering what was going on. WHAT I LIKED BEST - You made the letter current and went into details describing movies and comparing them to plays, which she would understand. There is a nice easy flow with your writing as your emotions play out in this letter, which also gives good insight to you as well. You help make her characters come alive too, as you list the ones you believe you would be good friends with in real life. I don't think she ever knew what her stories would mean to so many, and how she would empower women with the written word. We could all use a Mr. Darcy in our lives. He really is an extraordinary character. They don't make them like they used to.