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Dear Grateful Jess I am reviewing this item on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" . The review is part of "Invalid Item" . It's always interesting to read other people's 'Dear Me' letters because they give a little more insight into the authors. The thing that I found most intriguing is how similar your goals are to mine. I mean, the actual goals themselves differ, but the place they are coming from is very similar. I could relate to your desire to push negativity and anxiety aside, and to just live your life as you want to live it, without worrying too much what others think. Because that really isn't important. You have to look after yourself because it's how you find true peace in your life. (At least, that's what I'm trying to believe.) I thought your letter is really positive, and I like that. You sound as though you're able to put last year behind you and to move on, making the most of your life. Which is the key to happiness, I think. I've come to realise that always chasing a dream of something better, and not taking the time to appreciate what I have right now, only leads to disappointment and unhappiness. I'm all for living in the moment, with dreams/goals kind of floating around in my mind. I have a question. What is scrapbooking? I notice a few people on here have mentioned it before, but I don't think we really do it over here. I'm intrigued. I love this saying that you include near the end: "Always be kind, you can attract more flies with honey than vinegar." That's brilliant! I'm glad I chose to read your letter, Jessica. I love your attitude. You are a strong, brave woman, and I wish you all the best. Rachel My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .