The Art of Rejection [E] my college essay |
Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon" ! Greetings, demi6502! This is good story and lesson of life, and I'm glad you shared it with us. There's a lot of things in our lives this could pertain to, and I'm happy that you saw that it wasn't just about your acting. As creatures of habit, we tend to get so accustomed to what we're doing that we don't see ourselves as others do, and instead of being the 'the bright star in the sky', we wind up being a 'shooting star', or a flash in the pan. I know that's not a good analogy, but I'm trying to say that sometimes we need to be knocked down so we can get stronger. Still a rotten analogy , but I know what you mean! And that's not even considering the people who get big egos and still think they're so great! Well said, my friend! I don't know how this did (or will do) as your college essay, but it looks great to me! The spelling and grammar were flawless, and the whole piece read true. And like I said, it's a life lesson, and one that people will hopefully see themselves in! Kee ponw ritin gon, demi, and welcome to WdC! One tiny niggle (I think!): “boring and ordinary(.”) (".) Kee ponw ritin gon, my friend, and welcome to WdC! If you like to write, then you're going to love it here! PS-You might want to get your bioblock (biography) set up so we can know a little something about you (hobbies, favorite books/authors, location, etc.), but that's up to you, of course. PSS-And since you’re new here, perhaps you’d like to check out "Noticing Newbies" and introduce yourself to the rest of the community if you haven’t already.
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