Welcome to WdC from the "Newbie Welcome Wagon" Hi healthc, This is a wonderful piece. The title is direct and to the point. The reader knows exactly what they will be getting out of the piece. I have spent much of my life in and out of hospitals and receiving physiotherapy, your topic fascinated me. I began to read right away to find out more. You launch into the piece without introduction or preamble. This takes all the reader's attention and focuses it completely on the topic and the piece. They will read to the last word. You have written about how physiotherapy given in Bangalore. You have done your research here. You are conversant with your topic and easily make it comprehensible for your reader.. The length is perfect. You completely develop your topic without belaboring the issue and making the piece tedious. I did come across a couple of structural issues that need your attention: 1)Physiotherapy is a healing from people disabilities. It may knee pain, neck pain, back pain, paralysis and more.-Possible rewrite "Physiotherapy is healing people with disabilities. Some problems for which people seek physiotherapy are knee pain, neck pain, back pain, paralysis and more." 2)A physical specialist enables take to care of patients in all periods of recuperating,-Should read "A physical specialist takes care of patients in all periods of recuperation," You use a formal, organized style that is very appealing to the reader. Great job.