Welcome to WDC Not suki, from "Newbie Welcome Wagon" and "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" ! Wow! This free style poetic bio really engaged me. I loved the unique style and creative descriptions of who you are and would be! It has a positive vibration and points to your individuality, polarity and dichotomy, that I think exists in all of us. I especially like the simple line of being a "figure in time and space" and that after all the specifics, the last line simplifies. Brilliant conception! The use of some rhyme, repeated sounds and anaphora adds to the flow, drama and soundscape of the read. It was fun to read out loud. The notion of a Big Picture Perceiver is awesome. We need lots of that. The contrast of "introverted" with "adventurer" is neat too. I wondered if there was a reason that the N was a capital in "intuition". Thanks so much for sharing your genius and word play with WDC! Keep on writing with flair! YOU could just stick this as a link right in your bio page! Have fun at WDC. I hope you find a home here. eyestar