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Review #4741910
Viewing a review of:
Mother's Day Tulips  [E]
How sweet the gift of tulips for his Mother.
by ❀Leger❀
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.5)
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House Florent Image for G.o.T.
The Iron Bank of Braavos  (13+)
For G.o.T. Activity
#1994693 by Gaby ~ Way behind!
"Game of Thrones Hello! My name is Sandra. I am one of the sly foxes.
Title: Mother's Day Tulips
First Impression: This is a lovely, poignant story, a precious retelling of a cherished moment. Our children do not remain young except in our memories. I believe most mothers would welcome the possibility of reining in the inevitable aging of their offspring. They grow up far too quickly. In a blink of the eye they are adults. The first paragraph describes a wonderful, sweet cuddle. Anyone who has raised children know they seldom sit still for long. Moms need that brief time to recharge their batteries.
What needs your attention: I see no spelling errors or obvious mistakes, intentional, or otherwise. You relay your story in a straightforward manner that leaves no room for misinterpretation. So, do not change a thing.
What part I liked best: I liked the loving, peaceful picture you painted with your words. I can understand a two and a half year old equating a dying flower with a popped balloon. It makes sense. Of course, he would be disappointed that the red blooms disappeared/ died. He remembered your joy at receiving the tulips. Nothing compares to the eyes of your child. They are very expressive. Ah, if only we could blow up new flowers. Imagine that. What a great memory to be saved and revisited with each sight of subsequent tulips.
Overall Impression: This tale is a tender one that could only be shared by a loving, doting mother. I am smiling and thinking Moms are the most blessed people.Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure. What does the fox say??? Listen carefully.
(1712 characters )
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