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Review #4742112
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 Glitch?  [E]
A professor is not sure if his machine works.
by Hyperiongate
Review of Glitch?  
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.5)
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House Florent Image for G.o.T.
The Iron Bank of Braavos  (13+)
For G.o.T. Activity
#1994693 by Gaby ~ Way behind!
"Game of Thrones Hello fellow writer! My name is Sandra. I am one of the sly foxes.
Title: Glitch?
First Impression: So, time travel is not all it is cracked up to be? It is problematic? I laughed at the absurdity of not only inventing a working time travel machine, but then giving it away as a curbside offering because the inventor believes it to be faulty. He demonstrated that it works and shared it with the neighbour. This is an amusing, quick read. Perhaps Professor Jenkins invents just for the sake of it. He ventures and then grows bored. Would tossing something a mere few feet really result in a catastrophic alteration to the earth? But something does occur and he is absent-minded enough not to notice. I chuckled. His cat becomes a dog. I'd say that is a definite change for Heisenberg!
What needs your attention: I noticed a question mark is absent from the neighbour's question "Did you time travel."
What part I liked best: Jenkins is above the trivial. He is intent upon his activities and therefore often clueless to his surroundings. He recognized the neighbour, but did not remember his name. He took the time to demonstrate his time travel machine, but acted offended and put out. He left owning a cat and returned to find a dog. Is that not a change, a big one? I like the humour , the ridiculousness of throwing away a special machine as if it was roadside trash. He assumes someone will want and utilize it. He has expectations only he comprehends.
Overall Impression: This piece of writing is hilarious! Now, I have a picture of Professor Jenkins hunkered down in his home distracted and oblivious.
Thanks for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure! What does the fox say??? Listen carefully. (1837 characters)DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.
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