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Review #4743013
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 A Grand Adventure Open in new Window. [E]
A belated gap year.
by Zehzeh Author Icon
Review of A Grand Adventure  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with House of Sensual Prose  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
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A "Game of Thrones"  Open in new Window. by Gaby Author Icon Review

Storyline: Maggie heads off on an adventure, which doesn't go as planned. Running out of money fast, and dwindling hope, she stumbles upon a Hostel. All she wants is a room and a shower, and she hopes to find someone who, at the very least, speaks English.

Spelling/Grammar Issues: *ThumbsUpL*

Description: You made seeing Maggie's surroundings easy. Describing the stench of stale urine added to the visuals. You did a good job describing Supna from the past and linking her to the present. The condition of the hostel gave me a clear image. I could imagine the heaviness of her backpack. The description is fantastic when she first comes face to face with Supna. From the gappy grin to the scarf, it gave the impression that Supna had a rough life.

Overall Impression: Maggie's journey to figure out what is next in her life took an unexpected turn. It was only supposed to be a year off to figure things out, but she ended up settling down with former students. Her generosity to a younger Supna was paid forward. Good deeds of the past were not forgotten. Maggie has fond memories of the couple, yet still seems surprised to find them far away. Seeing that Maggie's initial despair had turned into something good was nice.

Final Thoughts: I liked that Maggie seemed lost initially, yet found something to keep her occupied and worth doing. Who would've thought this would be an opportunity for her to start anew? Staying to work at the Hostel and caring for Supna and Jason's child seems to be her path. It took me a moment to realize that Supna and Jason's parents had indeed come to accept their elopement. That wrapped this short story up nicely.

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   *CheckG* You responded to this review 04/13/2024 @ 5:22am EDT
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