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Review #4743865
Viewing a review of:
 Caveat Emptor  [E]
Let the buyer beware! A Limerick for the WDC's Limericks, Limericks, Limericks contest.
Review of Caveat Emptor  
Review by Maryann
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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A Martell Image

*Exclaim* Oh Jace! I found this limerick item of yours to be so much fun! I don't remember how I came across it, but it's great that I did. It was so nice to have fun and enjoy an upbeat item in the middle of my busy day.

You created the best introduction - 'Let the Buyer Beware'!
I guess I'm strange, in a way, because I actually like commercials. I learn about products which I might otherwise have missed that way.

I'll have to say that I did actually hear of each one of those commercials. I think commercials these days are getting shorter and shorter. I saw some that were only thirty seconds each! I remembered all of yours. You know, it made me think that commercials of the past were more memorable than the forgettable ones we see today.

You followed the limerick patterns well in all of the ones you presented. I was impressed and happy to see that you did these patterns while incorporating a cute jingle into those lines. That couldn't have been very easy to do, but you seemed to do it effortlessly.

The couple of lines which stick out in my mind from your poem are, "Can you hear me now? Buy Purina Dog Chow!" So much fun!

I noticed that you picked, what I thought, were either the most noteworthy lines, like the one for Grey Poupon, or lines which had catchy jingles attached to them, like, "Every Kiss begins with Kay."
Everyone has heard of those types, so I think it was smart to pick the best as you did.

It was nice that you also added at the end, a paragraph about the companies which had to do with what you used in your Limerick groupings. Thanks for sharing. I sincerely enjoy reading limericks, and I felt that yours were unique.

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*Balloon2**Balloon3*-Write on!*Balloon4**Balloon5*

Game of Thrones  [13+]
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
by Gaby ~ Way behind!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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