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Review #4744215
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O Mohonk  [E]
A visit to a wonderful place that left me breathless!
by Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ
Review of O Mohonk  
Review by Jayne
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello, Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ!

*Checkb*Overall Impression:
I love the use of alliteration in this poem.

*Checkb*Form, Rhythm, Cadence, and Style:
There is a natural ebb and flow to this poem that takes the reader on a slow, meandering walk through Mohonk. There's plenty of sensory detail and alliteration to provide vivid imagery and emotional depth.

Mohonk sounds breathtaking and peaceful. Highlight the natural beauty and tranquility, along with the scents of lilac, cherry blossoms, moonlit nights, and breathtaking views, are a sensory bonanza. With such intense sensory detail, the reader can't help but have an emotional attachment to a place they've never been. Or, if they had been there, they would undoubtedly have had some nostalgia kick in.

*Checkb*Grammar and Mechanics:
I found no problems with spelling or grammar.

Your use of alliteration in this poem is top-notch, providing a sing-song pull into the picturesque painting (see what I did there?). In all seriousness, your use of the poetic device is wonderful. Some of the lines that really hit me were:

Breathtaking views be-feast the eyes - This line could have easily become bogged down in excessive language, but be-feast the eyes complete an entire image all on its own.

Small creatures scatter, to secure stations for the night - So much alliteration in this one, yet it slips by barely noticed because it reads so well. It feels secretive, indicates a quiet business beneath the calm, and may reflect your connection with nature, a common theme in your poems.

*Checkb*Final Thoughts:
With its feeling of peace, the place and the poem provide a sanctuary from the business of daily life. It was lovely to read.

Thank you for sharing your work with us!

Jayne *Smile*

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