The story excels in painting vivid settings, like Monique's quiet neighborhood and the Points Peak Cemetery. The description of the cemetery as a "gorgeous spread of land with long golden gates and lush lawns" creates a serene yet mysterious atmosphere. This imagery helps to establish the story's tone and enhances the reader's engagement. Additionally, the description of the caretaker's building as a place with "windows [that] had no way to see inside" and "an opaque color with large brown shutters" adds to the sense of mystery and sets the stage for the unexpected events that unfold.

Monique is portrayed as a relatable character dealing with stress and uncertainty, making her easy for readers to empathize with. Her interactions with Sparky, her loyal Golden Retriever, add depth to her character and show her compassionate side. For example, when Sparky barks and pulls on his leash, Monique says, "Of all places, Sparky. A cemetery, really? You know how I feel about death and graves." This dialogue not only reveals Monique's feelings but also highlights her relationship with Sparky, showing that she cares for him and values his well-being.

The story effectively builds tension through the discovery of the tombstone with Monique's name on it and her subsequent interaction with the caretaker, Heinz Schmidt. The moment when Monique sees her own name on the tombstone is a turning point in the story, creating a sense of urgency and intrigue. The tension continues to escalate as Monique confronts Heinz and learns about the contract she signed, leading to a surprising and impactful revelation.

The dialogue between Monique and Heinz is engaging and reveals important plot details. For example, when Heinz explains the contract to Monique, he says, "You did not qualify for promotion at the bank because you did not have enough experience at the time. But you sold your soul to death, and we gave you a year and a half to enjoy your new life." This dialogue not only provides crucial exposition but also adds depth to the story's supernatural elements.

While the pacing of the story is generally good, there are moments, such as Monique's walk with Sparky, that could be shortened to maintain the tension and momentum of the narrative. For example, the description of Monique putting on her sunglasses and walking through her neighborhood could be condensed to keep the story moving forward. This would help to ensure that every scene serves a purpose in advancing the plot and developing the characters.

The twist about the contract and Monique's fate feels somewhat abrupt and could benefit from more foreshadowing earlier in the story. For example, hints about the nature of the contract or subtle clues about Monique's impending fate could be woven into the narrative to make the twist feel more integrated and satisfying. This would help to build anticipation and intrigue, keeping the reader engaged until the story's climax.

The story ends somewhat abruptly with Monique waking up from what seems to be a dream. Providing a more definitive resolution, such as Monique finding a way to break the contract or coming to terms with her fate, could provide a more satisfying conclusion for the reader. This would give the story a sense of closure and ensure that all the plot threads are resolved in a meaningful way.
Overall, you've crafted an intriguing story with a compelling premise and engaging characters. With some refinement in pacing, foreshadowing, and resolution, it could be even more impactful and leave a lasting impression on the reader. I'm aware that this was originally composed as an entry for
The Writer's Cramp and have only offered my feedback on ways to improve the narrative should you wish to explore and expand the story beyond its original intent.
Write on!