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Review #4745462
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Courage and Sunflower Seeds  [ASR]
A story of courage and sunflower seeds
by Maryann
Review by Scare-emy
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
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Hello Maryann

You are receiving this review of "Courage and Sunflower Seeds in connection with "Game of Thrones.

*Gem* Areas of Strength

*Bullet* The story excels in painting vivid pictures of the setting and characters. Details like the English courtyard, the forest, and the saucer-shaped building are described in a way that allows readers to visualize them clearly. For example, when Miles and his father are sparring in the courtyard, the "quick-paced clank of steel against steel echoed across the magnificent English courtyard," immediately setting the scene and establishing the mood. This attention to detail continues throughout the story, such as when Margaret sits in the garden, "pushing sunflower seeds in her mouth," creating a clear image of her relaxed posture and idle activity. These descriptions not only create a rich setting but also help to immerse the reader in the story's world.

*Bullet* The characters, especially Miles and Margaret, are well-developed. Their personalities shine through in their interactions and dialogue, making them relatable and engaging. For example, Miles is portrayed as proud of his swordsmanship but also shows a playful side when he interacts with his sister. Margaret, on the other hand, is depicted as carefree and adventurous, as seen when she eagerly suggests exploring the forest. Their dynamic is further highlighted in moments like when Miles teases Margaret about her messy eating habits, showing a sibling relationship that feels authentic and adds depth to their characters. Overall, these well-rounded characters contribute significantly to the story's appeal and keep the reader invested in their journey.

*Bullet* The dialogue feels natural and adds depth to the characters. It effectively conveys their relationships and emotions, enhancing the overall storytelling. For example, when Lord Petrus advises Miles on concentration during a duel, his playful tone is evident in lines like, "Never take your concentration away from the duel, until the battle is completely over," which not only provides guidance but also shows his affection for his son. Similarly, the banter between Miles and Margaret, such as when Margaret spits a sunflower seed at Miles, adds humor and reveals their sibling dynamic. This natural dialogue helps to develop the characters and make their interactions feel genuine, contributing to the story's realism.

*Bullet* The story maintains a good pace, moving smoothly from one scene to another. This keeps the reader engaged and makes the story easy to follow. The transitions between scenes, such as when Miles and Margaret move from the courtyard to the forest, are well-executed and help to maintain the story's momentum. Additionally, the pacing allows for moments of tension, such as when the children encounter the mysterious silver building, to have a greater impact. Overall, the pacing contributes to the story's overall readability and keeps the reader invested in the narrative.

*Bullet* The theme of bravery and quick thinking is effectively conveyed through the characters' actions and decisions. It adds depth to the narrative and gives it a meaningful message. For example, when Margaret pushes the woman to free Miles, it demonstrates her quick thinking and bravery in a moment of crisis. This theme is reinforced throughout the story, such as when Miles assures Margaret that they can count on each other in future adventures. By incorporating this theme, the story not only entertains but also imparts a valuable lesson about courage and resourcefulness, making it more impactful for the reader.

*Gem* Areas for Improvement

*Bullet* While Miles and Margaret are well-developed, some secondary characters, such as Lord Petrus and the mysterious woman, could benefit from more depth. For example, Lord Petrus, despite being known for his swordsmanship, is only shown in a brief sparring session with Miles. To improve this, more scenes could be added to show his relationship with Miles and his personality outside of sword fighting. Additionally, the mysterious woman could be given more backstory or motivation for her actions, adding complexity to her character. Introduce scenes that involve Lord Petrus interacting with Miles in a non-combative setting, such as sharing a meal or discussing family history. This would provide insight into Lord Petrus' personality and relationship with his son. For the mysterious woman, include hints or flashbacks that reveal her backstory or motivations, adding depth to her character and making her actions more understandable to the reader.

*Bullet* The story occasionally shifts in tone, especially in the dialogue between Miles and Margaret. At times, their banter feels light-hearted and playful, but other times it can come across as overly sarcastic or mature for their ages. This inconsistency can disrupt the flow of the story and the believability of the characters' interactions. Ensure that the tone of the dialogue remains consistent with the characters' ages and the overall mood of the scene. This can be achieved by revising the dialogue to match the characters' personalities and the context of the conversation. Additionally, having beta readers provide feedback on the dialogue can help identify areas where the tone may need adjustment.

*Bullet* The climactic scene where the children encounter the mysterious silver building feels rushed compared to the rest of the story. The sudden appearance of the building and the confrontation with the woman happen quickly, leaving little time for suspense or buildup. Build suspense leading up to the climactic scene by foreshadowing the appearance of the silver building earlier in the story. This could be done through subtle hints or sightings of strange lights in the forest. Additionally, extend the confrontation with the woman to give it more tension and allow for a more gradual resolution. This will create a more satisfying climax and conclusion to the story.

*Gem* Overall Impression

Overall, the story showcases a vivid imagination and a playful exploration of adventure and sibling dynamics. The strengths lie in the creativity of the plot, particularly in the introduction of the mysterious silver building and the children's daring escape. The sibling relationship between Miles and Margaret is also well-developed, adding depth to the characters and their interactions.

There are areas that could be improved, such as the development of secondary characters like Lord Petrus and the mysterious woman, as well as the consistency of tone and pacing in certain scenes.

With some refinement, particularly in character development and maintaining a consistent tone, the story has the potential to be even more engaging and immersive. Overall, the author should be encouraged to continue exploring their imaginative ideas and further develop their storytelling skills.

Write on! *Pencil*

*Snow2*          *Swords*          *Snow4*          *Swords*          *Snow2*

Let your imagination run wild.

Set your creativity free.

We are the Free Folk.

And we do not kneel.

The Free Folk image for G.o.T.

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed within this review are the sole product of the reviewer. They do not necessarily reflect those of the group, activity and/or event in which they are affiliated. Any implementation of suggested edits is at the sole discretion of the piece's writer; they may be used when and where deemed necessary by the writer of the piece and/or disregarded in their entirety. The reviewer releases any and all rights and/or claims to those suggestive edits should they be utilized by the writer of the piece.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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